Rodatec - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Severo Ochoa, 30
03203 Elche (Alacant) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑902101731  
🖷:  +34‑965491241
Tyres of high provision

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Rodatec Is the mark of pneumatics of high provision that better adapts to the current driver. His upper quality, his price without competition and especially, the comfort in road that contribute his provision, turn it into the ideal election. But Rodatec are not only pneumatics, but it represents the values of the style of the life slow to the steering wheel: "you do not run, it enjoys".

The daily routine forces to live with hastes, slopes of the schedules and with the conception that each minute that happens inside the car is a loss of time, before arriving of a place to another. So it has arrived the moment of re-discover the pleasure for driving, because there is another form to do it and is enjoying of this, of each moment, of each detail, of each kilometre.

Prepare you for the life slow to the steering wheel: it chooses your music and deléitate with her, chooses a different route, imagine you where go the people of the car of at the side, amuse you with your children playing to the signals, have a pleasant conversation with your companions or admires what surrounds you, since your car is a window to the world that allows you detain you when you wish it and... Why, no? Think that the distance is so or more interesting that the destination.

No always will have the opportunity, but yes there are more occasions of which imagine you to enjoy of the driving, so changes your form to see the world and begins to enjoy of the life slow with Rodatec.