Hexagon Production Software - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Hexagon Production Software
Ctra. Reial 122 B - 1º-1ª B
08960 Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona) Spain

Cómo llegar

☎:  +34‑934802455  
🖷:  +34‑934734219
w:  www.hexagonmi.com
Software for the production automated

NOTA: Aunque hemos hecho esfuerzos razonables para comprobar la corrección de la ubicación de la empresa/entidad, no podemos garantizarla al 100%

Hexagon Production Software

The group Sescoi develops software from 1987 and facilitates solutions for the production automated in the industries of the mould, matrix and creation of toolings. From his start, Sescoi has encouraged in providing programs of software that are easy to learn, excepcionalmente reliable and automated.

Sescoi Has turned into a world-wide reference in CAM (software for the computer-aided manufacture) with WorkNC, his software of milling automatic 3D that has attained an enormous acceptance by his quality, reliability, ease of use, technological level and high degree of automation.

In 2002, Sescoi continues his expansion and launches to the market of CAD (computer-aided design) with the launching of WorkNC-CAD, software CAD specialised for moldistas, matriceros and manufacturers of toolings.

Sescoi Also imposes with WorkPLAN in the market of software ERP (gestión and planning of the resources of the company) specialised in organisations that manage industrial projects. WorkPLAN Is a powerful tool that helps to take correct decisions, allows to realise simulations in the planning and has of modules to manage the creation of offers, monitoring of sales and productive processes, gestión of shopping and warehouse, quality, register of time, configuration, calculation and gestión of the system.

Sescoi Has attained an extraordinary acceptance of his products WorkNC, WorkNC-CAD and WorkPLAN to world-wide level. The available services and support through the offices of Sescoi and of the network of distributors attend to more than 4.000 customers situated in dozens of countries of Europe, North America, south, and Asia.

Between the multiple industrial states that take advantage of the professional solutions of Sescoi, can quote the automotive sector, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, appliances, telephony, toys, sportive equipment and of leisure, packed, bottled, jewellery, watchmaking, optical, glassware, musical instruments, models and nautical spare parts, elements prostéticos...

From 1992 Sescoi keeps customers and network of distribution in Spain, and in the 2002 creates Sescoi Iberia, a new subsidiary with office in Barcelona to back of direct form the network of distribution established in Spain and take advantage of all the synergies to give the support that all his Spanish customers deserve .