Comunet, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Comunet, S.A.
Maudes, 51 - Bajo
28003 Madrid Spain

Cómo llegar

☎:  +34‑902196651  
🖷:  +34‑914560161
Software for autonomous and micropymes

NOTA: Aunque hemos hecho esfuerzos razonables para comprobar la corrección de la ubicación de la empresa/entidad, no podemos garantizarla al 100%

Comunet, S.A.

ComuNET Is a company founded in the year 1996, specialised in the development of products and compatible services with Internet and, therefore, easily accessible for the user through a browser and compatible with the technologies and current services Saas/Cloud.

The origin of ComuNET is directed to the development of technology and contents for the world of the And-learning, orienting his first efforts to the development of his Platform of And-learning NETcampus and a catalogue typical of more than 100 on-line contents.

Later, it creates the Division of Solutions of Management, which comes directing his efforts to the development of Business Manager, an ideal solution for any type of company, which integrates all the modules and own processes of the business, contributing the sufficient flexibility to adapt to the needs of management of any type of organisation.

All the products and technology of ComuNET are own, whose development finds in constant evolution, of agreement to the needs of the market. The products and services of ComuNET find between the most competitive and flexible of the market, being able to offer a wide variety of solutions that adapt to the needs of any type of organisation.

ComuNET No only contributes technology and development of software, but also the instruments, methodology and necessary support to identify, analyse, design, develop and implant the corporate processes that require , accompanying to the company at all times and guaranteeing the optimum implantation of the technological system and the model of management that adapt to the requests of an organisation.