
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Publirreportaje: Entrevista a Ferran Olivé, Ferran Olivé, ingeniero técnico industrial. Oficina técnica de Virospack

Advertorial: Interview with Ferran Olivé, Ferran Olivé, industrial technical engineer. Technical Office of Virospack

Ferran Olivé, industrial technical engineer. Technical Office Virospack
Ferran Olivé, industrial technical engineer. Technical Office Virospack

on April 14, 2011

Your company

Could it take stock of the trajectory of his company since its founding to the present day?

Virospack is a company that was founded in the 1950s with a familiar character and began to work especially for the sector of the pharmacy to which produced rubber Stoppers. Gradually the company was specializing, he began to treat other materials such as urea and the injection of plastic, giving higher value services to its customers.


What activities develops the firm, and in what sectors is specialized?

Nowadays, Virospack is a specialist in offering the best solutions of packaging for high cosmetics and pharmacy.


As compete

What they most valued customers for your products? What added value brings them?

We offer a solution of complete packaging for our customers with a very high quality and reasonable cost. We also experience of many years the high cosmetics sector, with large customers that have trusted in our know-how. Furthermore our flexibility and reactivity is very high, solving any problem in the shortest possible time.


What should you "improve" now to compete effectively in your industry/market?

Our goal is to have an improvement and continued growth. He is currently working to offer a better service and better quality. To achieve this the company is investing in new production methods and new facilities to provide better services, greater production capacity and a higher quality.


His company and SolidWorks

What challenges pursued the company before implementing solutions for SolidWorks?

Came from a 2D system and wanted a system that will provide us the way we work and to provide us more possibilities of visualization. To have the product on the computer screen allows you to interact with it. In addition, we are specialized in the sector of high cosmetics where the appearance and the image is very important, the fact of being able to send the designs very well detailed and finishes, it makes your proposal of product off more value. In short, a 3D helps a lot to create the image of what will be the final product.


Why they chose the SolidWorks solutions? Is there some feature of the product or its benefits that were most important in their decision to purchase of SolidWorks?

One of the strengths of SolidWorks is the ease of use. SolidWorks, is a design solution that is characterised by that it is very easy to use, very intuitive and agile works on your computer. Also manage very well design modifications and makes that all the components are updated without problems.


What have been the achieved benefits once implanted SolidWorks solutions?

Having a tool like SolidWorks 3D provides you much the proposal to your customers. In addition, not all our clients have a spatial vision to understand the concept of a plane. Instead with SolidWorks are seeing the product in a virtual way in front of your screen and can interact with it, rotating it, moving it, see it from different angles, etc. These allow us to save costs on prototypes, molds that we previously had to use to send the first samples then suffering changes. With SolidWorks throughout the process of communication and exchange of information is much more fluid and rapid. All you have to make the modifications of the prototype on the computer, you send to the client and in a few hours of work and file sharing, you adapt the product to the customer's needs without having built nothing.


What features would you highlight of SolidWorks products?

As well as the easy use of SolidWorks solutions, I would like to highlight the functions for the design of surfaces, because, compared to other programs, it is very easy to use and allows us to work in complex geometries that customers ask us.


What did they consider the implementation of a programme of product data management (PDM)? Why they chose Enterprise PDM?

Us we decided to implement a PDM to improve order and establish lines of work to optimize the efforts. Implement a PDM system facilitates a lot focus information projects on a single point. On the other hand will save much time lost in search for information on former projects that currently is organized in different places. This saving of time at the end translates into savings in costs for the company and more time for us to invest in creating new products and more projects. We opted for SolidWorks Enterprise PDM comparison with other solutions, because the product follows the same philosophy to all SolidWorks, ease of use and flexibility programs. Furthermore, it was that is better suited to our needs both in cost and functionality that we needed. For us it was also important to see that the tool has a very large growth potential since we know that it is implemented both large and small and medium-sized enterprises, for all we know is a product as we are going to grow the PDM can be adapted easily to our growth.


What features would you highlight for Ibermática?

The speed of response and technical support has always been very effective. There are total transparency where you can always view the status of the incident. I also appreciate that they are always making presentations and training via the web which are always useful to keep up to date.


Your sector

How do you see the sector that represent?

Luxury, in our case the high cosmetics sector, is less vulnerable to shocks and they are products that will always be consumed and in addition there is more concern about looking after yourself and keep young.

The future

On the future of your company...

The company's philosophy is based on continuous improvement and therefore we are still working on finding the tools to continue offering the highest quality and best service.


Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks