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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Rick Chin, director de Innovación de Producto de SolidWorks
"I'm more interested what happens to the client that what happens to the competition"

Interview with Rick Chin, director of product innovation of SolidWorks

Joan Sánchez Sabé, from San Antonio, TX, USA28/01/2011
Rick Chin is a smile wide, affable, which indicates that he enjoys doing what he does. It takes more than twenty years in the world of high-tech software, and more than four in SolidWorks, who acquired the technology he had developed in Cadapult3D and which eventually became 'solidworks intelligent features' in the 2007 version of the product.

Its role in the enterprise is 'Director of product innovation'. How is it part in r & d of SolidWorks?

In fact, working for r & d work on the other hand, up does little responding directly to the director-general, Jeff Ray. My job is to propose new product concepts, depending on the needs of the users that I detect. Later, seeking the appropriate technologies to meet them. In these cases, it is better to make the innovation of separately to the main product development.

Somehow, is UD? One of the sources in relation to what should finally be?

There are many channels of entry for the r & d. I work in the most uncertain areas, in which we believe that there is a good opportunity to create new products. I try to clarify whether they are real possibilities or not, create prototypes and see the reactions of the users. If all goes well, then we will put the necessary development resources. It is therefore a source of potential ideas, but not the only one.

What have been their recent contributions?

SolidWorks Sustainability (sustainability) has been one of them. He had previously worked with the 'Feature Expert' (expert in features). At the moment we work evaluating what hardware can offer extra benefits to users, in the form of interfaces beyond the current mouse, keyboard and screen, that have been used over the past 20 years. There are very interesting technologies in these moments...

Do something as well as interfaces really 3D?... Because a mouse is 2D.

Yes. We are also looking at new possibilities, such as which saw a demonstration at MIT of interfaces by the gestures of the hands. A camera looks at your hands and using this information, the computer decides what you want to do. Something as well as the 'multitouch' of an iPad, but in the air. We also explore systems that 'look' and 'listen' on an ongoing basis and with response in real time. Within five years, it will be common to interact with the computer by means of the mouse and keyboard.

Within five years, it will be common to interact with the computer by means of the mouse and keyboard.

What the ' sources of inspiración´? What users ask for? or are preparing what will call within five years?

I usually start with what they say users, especially their 'frustration'. Although it is not always possible. Sometimes just 'assume'. Then we try to make a prototype and test if it is sufficiently precise, quick and useful to users; If they are willing to adopt it, are comfortable with the concept or reject it and prefer the traditional paths.

Do dedicated also to observe the competition?

No, this basically makes the area of marketing. I need to have a certain awareness of it, but this may not be my guide. I am more interested in what happens to the client that what happens to the competition.

Where is situated the innovation of product in the SWOT matrix weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities? (SWOT, in its English acronym)

We began looking for opportunities. Above all, frustrations, not just 'inconvenient things' but 'frustrating things'. We want to make products like most. But the reaction of the people to a product will be proportional to the problem solved. If you solve a problem, you're a hero. We hope that our strength is our ability to innovate. Threats and weaknesses: on the one hand, our competition also innovates, and on the other hand, when you create a product that is successful, must be careful with the changes, and that requires a methodology, a discipline and a process that requires time. Sometimes, priorities and development planning are in conflict with the innovation. That is why, in part, the keep you separate.

If you solve a problem, you're a hero.

Integration with Dassault Systèmes weakens them at the moment?

I think that not. DS, as a company, makes many innovations. For example, in technology: create new techniques, new algorithms. I am more I dedicated to the 'use' of technology rather than the technology itself. Increasingly, we are using technologies of DS, Catia, them we are integrating with the SolidWorks interface, so that customers feel comfortable. This will also help the compatibility between products and others.

What is of the view of everything that has to do with 'the cloud'... and all the expectations created a year ago?

'The cloud' is a new platform, as it was Windows 95 for the first version of SolidWorks. Until then, all the CAD was done in UNIX workstations. It has its advantages, such as to have your data, and share them, from many different places. But there are many challenges in terms of benefits, especially in what refers to the interactivity. The eventual solution, is probably a hybrid, a combination of the use of 'the cloud' and 'your computer' resources. It is not one thing or the other, but a combination of both. It will be a gradual process and takes several years.

I do not think that I will work 'in the cloud' or ' your computer' – will be a combination of both.

One last question, as was you very involved with everything that has to do with 'sustainability' in SolidWorks: this has been a request of the users?

In this case, we have identified a trend and we have tried to move us forward. A small part of the customers were captivated much. For the rest, we have tried to do something very simple use, allowing them to be 'aware' of the environmental impact of what they do. You need to create 'consciousness'.