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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Jim Lovell y Gene Kranz relatan la historia del Apollo 13 a los ingenieros y diseñadores de SolidWorks World 2011
If last year SolildWorks World wanted us to take 'by the clouds', this year we directly approaching the outer space

Jim Lovell, Gene Kranz tell the story of Apollo 13 engineers and designers of SolidWorks World 2011

Joan Sánchez Sabé, from San Antonio, TX, USA24/01/2011

on January 24, 2011

SolidWorks World invited this year as 'keynote speakers' to Jim Lovell, Gene Kranz. A lot of people these names not to them be known. However, a phrase that the first told the second, although probably not her rule exactly so, sure that they know: "Houston, we have a problem". Gene Kranz was the director of the Control of Mission of the Apollo 13, which had to allow the human pisáramos the Moon for the third time, but did not succeed. Jim Lovell was the Commander of the ship, one of two astronauts who should walk on the moon. Today has summarized us his experiences with previous missions (the Mercury and Gemini) Jademás of the Apollo.
In 1961, Kennedy, President of the USA, and at a time that seemed the then Soviet Union clearly ahead in the space race, challenged his own country: we will reach the moon before the end of the Decade. And, indeed, on July 16, 1969, Armstrong and Aldwin touched the Moon, while Collins orbited her. It was the Apollo 11 mission. I had by that time less than three years old, and I would say that the vast majority of those who this morning listened to the story of Kranz, that he now wore a white jacket as when led space missions, lacked them even quite some time for birth. At the time, it was impossible to computer-aided design. Basically, because there were (almost) no computers. The first solid-state (IBM 7090) computers were built on 1959, and NASA had to recruit staff who know to use them, because among its members, had not. Of course, a computer of this style could not be put in a ship in any way. They were monsters who occupied rooms entire, with cooling systems that required, at the same time, of a large volume.

The 1969 human step on the Moon for the first time in 1972, for last

In the middle of the story, Jim Lovell makes an appearance by saying the phrase that has become famous: "Houston, we have a problem". Jim, the Commander of the Apollo 13, took the floor and tells, in detail, in first person, everything what has happened to more than 300,000 km of the Earth, when the ship broke down, and all the moves and changes of plans that was needed to ensure the return of the three astronauts that pilotaban. The Control of the mission carried out all types of calculations, simulations and tests, and decided that it was what had to be done under the direction of Gene. Jim and his crew, you are shot, not without difficulties. The Apollo 13, after releasing the rocket multiphasic Saturn V which prompted it to escape from the Earth, was composed of a set consisting of a service module and the other control, which they called Odyssey (Odyssey), and a module of lunar excursion (LEM)(, for its acronym in English), to which christened Aquarius (Aquarius).
Jim Lovell, Commander of Apollo 13
Jim Lovell, Commander of Apollo 13.

Roosters in the Aquarius

All the crew had to take refuge in the LEM, who was the 'lifeboat'. Designed so that two people were in it for 45 hours, it was used for four days by three people. Its maneuver rockets were used to move, in addition to the own LEM, the module of control (which was some three times the size). It was necessary to disconnect 'almost everything' for not exhausted batteries, adapt the cartridges square hydroxide lithium (which remove CO2 expired by the crew) of the Odyssey for use in the Aquarius (whose cartridges were round), maneuvering of acceleration with the rocket of the LEMthat was designed only to get out of the Moon, and corrections of trajectory without instrumentation, using only a crucecita in a window and the Earth as a point of referencia… and get to sleep in a cold and crowded ship. And all this without previous training; but in the words of Lovell "you sorprenderíais of how quickly you learn when your life hangs by a thread".
The cartridge of LiOH of the Odyssey, square, adapted with a plastic bag, a tube, and tape, to be able to be used in the Aquarius...
The cartridge of LiOH of the Odyssey, square, adapted with a plastic bag, a tube, and tape, to be able to be used in the Aquarius. The only way to avoid the stifling of the Apollo 13 astronauts.

Apollo 13: epic, drama, ingenuity, heroism, inspiration

Before hearing today to Lovell, I saw the movie Apollo 13 starring Tom Hanks, who plays it superbly, while the physical resemblance is rather short. Yesterday I finished reading a book written by Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger, identical title and in which the film is based. I've always thought that films dramatise, exaggerate, magnify the reality to keep us glued to the Chair when we see. Today, listening to Lovell, Kranz, I had the feeling that the film is really realistic, almost documentary.

Later, responding to questions from journalists, both heroes have detailed what failed in Apollo 13. As usual, "it was an accumulation of small failures, not a single serious incident". Apparently, it all started when it was decided to use, to save costs, equipment operating to 65V for oxygen tanks when the electrical system from the rest of the ship was of 28V. There was an oversight, and one of the components of the tanks got the 28V and ended up fried connected to 65. In addition, occurred a cascade of events more. The first error, in the background, was a human error during the validation of the design.

Despite this, Kranz recognizes that "not achieved anything if not risk". The circumstances of the years 50 and 60 allowed to take them. It seems that, in these times, we are less willing to take them. The leadership, the extraordinary ability to manage crisis and teamwork needed to develop missions Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, seems to shine now absent. I think that this has been the only time that the two 'keynote speakers', with absolute sincerity, have not been nothing optimistic. "The first man who comes to Mars will not be American", said Lovell.

Jim Lovell (left), attentive, and Gene Kranz, with a look that sums up his personality, during the subsequent to the General session press conference...
Jim Lovell (left), attentive, and Gene Kranz, with a look that sums up his personality, during the subsequent to the General session press conference.

And the design, the CAD? This is SolidWorks World, right?

A few days ago, while preparing the trip so far, I commented with Ibon Linacisoro, the director of Interempresas, presence provided James Lovell and Gene Kranz. Asked me: and what they have to see these 'guys' with the CAD and design? The truth is that, myself, I had raised the same question when I knew. There is a possible answer, based on the ingenuity, inventiveness that was necessary for the mission; the ability to keep cold in an extremely hot situation, while she is improvised solutions limits for life-saving the astronauts. A large organization mobilized a lot of completely dedicated and passionate engineers, to get it. The mission failed in its original goals, and however, the fact that the astronauts return became a landmark of Astronautics. A bug has successful, her been called. Something that does not leave all the good that it was intended to be much can be learned.

On the other hand, it is clear that to bring someone to the Moon, a process which is a virguería is used. And there are a lot of design; Although it was soon assisted by computer (little CAD, we are going). Surely, SolidWorks wants to make a parallel with his own philosophy. And there are a lot of design, this time, highly assisted by computer (much CAD, we are going). And also, at times, must be risk.

The last frontier

If ever a man traveling at near light speeds, and is able to feel that the three-dimensional space and time come together to form a four-dimensional spacetime (as announced Einstein) I am sure that will be on a space trip. Meanwhile, the 3D is really the space, the final frontier, Star-Trékica.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - analia
08/11/2011 0:36:43
como reaccionaron en la estacion de la nasa ante la averia de la nave??

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