
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Buderus pasa a denominarse Duktus

Buderus is renamed Duktus


May 7, 2010

The Buderus Guss brand, represented in Spain by Construtec, has changed its name to Duktus to strengthen its position in the market. The change of name seeks to have an own position clear in the market, strengthen the sense of belonging of the Group companies and facilitate leap into the bag provided within a period of 5 years.

The first to know the news last Thursday were employees of factories located in Austria and Germany together with the international representatives of the brand. The global launch tube place in Hall event in Tiroll (Austria) the next day, where they met with great anticipation responsible for the Administration, representatives of the city, unions and clients.

New logo of the company
New logo of the company.
"It was not easy to separate us from the Buderus brand very deep-rooted and powerful, but with the new name we are not going to lose our history," said Urlich Pässler, commercial director. The direction of Buderus Guss and TRM - Tiroler Röhren und Metallwerke-two companies that make up the Group of ductile cast iron, made the decision to unify its image and create a brand differentiated of the varied activities of the Group Buderus.

"We want to consolidate our presence through the clarity," said Weber, Chief Financial Officer of the company, who gave the public a view of the history of the company from 1731 until our days.

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