
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Óscar Torres, ‘country manager’ en Iberia, tras SolidWorks World 2010

"I am not optimistic nor pessimistic." "I'm positive"

Interview with Oscar Torres, 'country manager' in Iberia, after SolidWorks World 2010

Joan Sánchez Sabé17/02/2010
SolidWorks has moved its offices to the building Creápolis Esade, in Sant Cugat. In this environment of creative enterprises, which was announced as the first to practice the 'Open & Cross Innovation' share door with Dassault Systèmes. They are together but not mixed. Here we find Oscar Torres, 'country manager' of SolidWorks Iberia, and maintain a brief talk to comment on what has been given of Yes SolidWorks World 2010.

It has been announced that SolidWorks will be available in the future 'in the cloud'. I think a change of model towards 'software as a service'. The tradition of announcing specific products only to indicate, in this case, trends has been broken. This has been done to prepare the way, the clientele, for a change of calado… which requires a long preparation?

This project has been developing in the laboratory for three years. It was time to make tangible elements, even if there is a complete solution. In so doing, we are forcing us to go to offer concrete results in the near future. I do not think that a change in the model: the DNA of SolidWorks does not change, the concepts of technical pragmatism and industrial utility are kept. We make this change to continue providing value to our clients, taking advantage of the available technology. This is an important, safe change, and will require time. It will open many opportunities to our distribution channel, especially because it will simplify the equation of the hardware.

Óscar Torres, at its new offices in EsadeCreápolis
Óscar Torres, at its new offices in EsadeCreápolis

It will change the way that SolidWorks relates to its distribution channel?

I understand that not. SolidWorks has always worked with a distribution network. The dealer speaks in first person: "go to the 'cloud computing'". There will be new opportunities, and some rethinking in how we relate with the market, but I doubt that there will be changes in the business model.

This is the first year that Bernard Charlès had an active and public participation in a SolidWorks World. You have transferred your offices to Sant Cugat and you are along with Dassault Systèmes. This implies a long term strategy of integration and convergence within the Group?

An effort is being so that there is a recognition of a single company with different brands. This makes us strong. People acknowledged the value of some brands of Dassault, but even not related them with SolidWorks, and vice versa. Two years were being implemented a strategy of sharing spaces by different working groups of the group, keeping all peculiarities but sharing a common backbone: "dassault systèmes".

Apart from the announcement of the 'cloud computing', what you destacarías the 2010 edition of SolidWorks World?

In this company you never sleep on our laurels. We will progress. And that is to say that who comes and stays in SolidWorks is of a certain type. This is a new stage. A new approach that motivates and opens doors. The market detects our capacity for innovation. This motivates. It also encourages employees, who feel that the company moves and does so with force. At SolidWorks World, this is noticed.


A way out of the slow crisis is expected in Spain. What does imply this in your strategy?

The industry with good genetics, beyond short-term financial problems, will have many opportunities during 2010. Among other things because in markets where there were five, there now are two. And these two are better than ever. We try to relate to this industry 'with good Genetics', which is that better value what they are able to provide, beyond the CAD. I'm not optimistic or pessimistic. I am positive. We are going to look for opportunities. Many of our clients are exporters, are little affected by the crisis in Spain.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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