
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fontecelta lanza una nueva gama de envases PET
The Solidworks software has collaborated in its cutting edge design

Fontecelta launches a new range of PET bottles

The new Fontecelta PET bottle has been selected by the prestigious British publication "bottlewaterworld" to participate in the awards to the design of packaging given annually. It has been designed by Luis Escudero, head of design of Optimum Structure, who, among others, used the tool of design solidWorks in his work.
As head of Diseño of Optimum Structure, Luis Escudero aims to find a specific solution for each customer. Companies already do not conform with a functional bottle that meets certain technical requirements. When they decide to launch a new container, they want that this development is also reflected in the formal aspect, he radiates youth, 'novelty' in the market, identify your product and stands out it from others to communicate.
In the case of Fontecelta, Luis Escudero explains how "when commissioned me the design of the new range of PET bottles for mineral water of Fontecelta - add-, I was also a briefing with conditions unchanged technicians who had to be taken into account when you start the project".
The first, and most important, was that the new design of the packaging to retain and not altered in any way line of packaging and logistics of the enterprise. This determined the design of the packaging, which should retain the same levels of height, diameter and weight of the former range (1.5 l, 0.5 l and 0.33 l).
Another important technical requirement was the structural resistance to compression. To its stored, it should withstand eight heights, this is eight times its weight.

Everyone wants to be different

The new Fontecelta PET bottle meant for Luis Escudero his first experience in the design of a mineral water bottle. "My challenge - explains - was innovation in the market, that is, designing a range of packaging looking for their individuality, their uniqueness, with respect to other brands of mineral water on the market."
But the technical and formal constraints of Fontecelta complicated the process and limited the creative work to achieve my goal. "It was, therefore, to design a bottle that would work in the market as if it was a revolutionary design, but without being him, or at least appear to be so".
Thus arose the idea: is clear that the packaging has to turn around its own axis to be guided by the line of packaging and labelling, for which needs minimum surfaces of friction up and support, at the waist and at the base. And this was the final formal origin: the fusion of two forms, a revolutionary and other asymmetric, in a way that one embebiera to another. The revolutionary way disappears when it is necessary in the functional and ergonomic aspects and in its role as the compression-resistant structure.
"Ergonomics - continues the Chief of design of Optimum Structure, also had in mind when designing this new range of PET containers, specifically in the shape of the packaging and in your profile." The waist of each bottle has been adjusted to the maximum and located in the Centre of gravity, to facilitate its handling with one hand. "Also I wanted to highlight the top rings, to prevent it slipping of the hand".
As for the label, it has shifted to the base to improve the adhesion of the area of handling, at the same time that you get a nice product to touch.
The aesthetic issue was the final aspect to be considered and took into account to subtly give harmony to the whole of the product. From the outset Luis Escudero had the formal idea of a bottle with your conventional drills, melting as a block of ice, confusing both sides. "I have worked with this image until it meet all technical requirements demand."

Design tools

One of the challenges was how tool design work on this project. L. Escudero experience in the design of complex led him to make a system that would give formal freedom. "In industrial design - notes - is fundamental and indispensable to design with computer tools of last generation to achieve this." And in this case I used effective software Solidworks, who has the ability to realize a great diversity of forms for complex as they may appear. For my work, Solidworks is a very complete industrial design tool, intended to deal with complex designs. With it I have designed a variety of products for various industrial sectors and for me it is a tool in my work because I can, thanks to its full potential and to my knowledge and experience in this type of program", designing what I really want"

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