
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at 3Dexperience de Dassault Systèmes, utilizada para construir el interior y el exterior de la Terminal 2 de Heathrow

3Dexperience of Dassault Systèmes, used to build the interior and the outside of the Terminal 2 of Heathrow


15 May 2014

Terminal 2, the new terminal of passengers of the airport londinense of Heathrow, will open to the public on 4 June. This terminal includes one of the permanent sculptures longer of Europe, the ‘current deslizante' (Slipstream) of 78 metres, work of Richard Wilson, member of the Royal Academy. This sculpture has been realizar using the same technology 3Dexperience of Dassault Systèmes that has resulted key in the design, development and production of the aeroplanes Boeing and Airbus that will carry to many of the 20 million annual passengers that expects to receive the new terminal.

Supported between two corridors on four fine separate columns by 18 metres, the sculpture, that weighs around 77 tonnes, simulates to fly. It contains 30.000 only pieces and uses more than 300.000 rivets. Each part has been modelada digitally using the technology 3Dexperience, what guarantees that the intention of design of the artist have kept during all the development of Sliptream. The use of this software allowed that the questions of engineering, like the structural integrity, the accuracy of adjust them, the alignment and the centre of gravity went entirely comprised and resolved of digital form before the fitness, that comprised 23 independent sections, went realizar, delivered and installed.

The aerospace manufacturers use the same software of simulation 3D of Dassault Systèmes to define, communicate, collaborate and predict how will comport his designs in real conditions. This supposes that, like Slipstream, can optimise before his construction to obtain the best possible result.

Permanent sculpture ‘current deslizante' (Slipstream) of 78 metres, realizar with the technology 3Dexperience
Permanent sculpture ‘current deslizante' (Slipstream) of 78 metres, realizar with the technology 3Dexperience.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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