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Dassault Systèmes Helps to Group Cortefiel to manage his data of imports and exports


14 March 2014

Dassault Systèmes, the 3Dexperience Company, announces that the big European corporation fashionable Group Cortefiel has implemented his application Exalead CloudView to manage the information of product related with the imports and exports for all his payments.

With Exalead CloudView, the company has optimised the processes of customs and is now more efficient, optimising the sales when avoiding delays and contingencies like the costs of transport or the extra storage, shortening in this way the arrival to the market of his payments.

Cortefiel Has combined his strategy of growth multimarca with the international expansion. Recently, the group has gone in in new markets like China, Mexico and Russia, at the same time that expanded his presence and on-line sales. The products of each season are manufactured in Asia and exported to the shops of all the world through his logistical centres in Madrid and Hong Kong. During this process of settlement of the imports and the exports, the fast and simple access to the information of notable product results essential to shorten the process and avoid the increase of costs.

The group looked for a solution that supplied an only point of access to all the information of product. They chose Cloudview, since it allows to the users and to the partners access quickly to the information on the products and transactions, classified by areas of business (department of import/export, franchises and agents). Like part of the platform 3Dexperience of Dassault Systèmes, Exalead Cloudview provides a half intuitive to look for, explore and analyse the information, was cual was his source, and answer to the specific needs of each part interested.

The system took in the fulfillment of the formalities aduaneros and help also to attain an efficient statement of the goods, when supplying of simple form to the agents the information of notable product in the language of the country of destination.

Thanks to the combination of the data of supply of the system ERP of the company with the data of design of his application PLM, Exalead is easy to implement. The architecture no intrusiva of the software adapts to the numerous and miscellaneous requirements of the different marks and partners that operate inside the Group Cortefiel, and his ease of use facilitates his adoption by the diverse users that access to the system.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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