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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Aaron Kelly, vicepresidente de experiencia del usuario y gestión de la cartera de productos de SolidWorks

“In SWW 2014 have seen passion and with passion can do what propose you”

Interview to Aaron Kelly, vice-president of experience of the user and management of the wallet of products of SolidWorks

Nerea Gorriti05/03/2014

One of the protagonists of SolidWorks World 2014 (SWW) was Aaron Kelly, one of the most visible faces during the days of day. Attendant to drive good part of the presentations of the general sessions, Kelly knows very closely the experience that has had a selecto group of customers testing the new tool Solidworks Mechanical Conceptual. It explained his experiences to Interempresas during the event SolidWorks World 2014 in San Diego.

It has had an active paper in SWW 2014, do please, a balance of this edition.

Yes, in this occasion have had a greater paper. The true is that I am tired —laughs— but very motivated by all the people that have known and by all his implication with the event and the novelties. Work in the company from 18 years ago and have not been missing to any edition of SolidWorks World.

Himself Is true that was used to to commission me of the demonstrations in other occasions, but can say that personally for me is a big opportunity to be more in contact with the assistants, know more customers. For Solidworks is fantastic to have a show devoted to the community, to the that have attended 5.600 people and that has been the greater edition until the moment. The customers have been able to know experiences, histories totally inspiring where find motivation and ideas. We have seen passion and with passion can do what propose you.

Aaron Kelly during SolidWorks World 2014

Aaron Kelly during SolidWorks World 2014.

What is what more has surprised him?

Has surprised me a lot think that today already exists something totally new that yesterday same not even existed. Different collaborators and users of SolidWorks have presented world-wide novelties. Stratasys Has a new three-dimensional printer with some technical characteristics that do it only in the market or have assisted to the world-wide presentation of a three-dimensional printer of fibre of carbon! This wants to say that this event also has turned into a platform of international presentation of new products.

Why edition after edition achieve such influx of people? What look for in SWW?

The people always looks for more, ask better forms to do the same. They understand that no only there is a way to do them and need to share the ideas.

Kelly participated in many of the presentations

Kelly participated in many of the presentations.

Of form resumida, of which form will benefit the users of the new tool that have presented, SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual?

SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual has created to help to the people in the conception of the design. They existed problems in the process of design where clearly the designers needed on the one hand, help and by another, communicate with other people because it is necessary to confront to a page in white. How begin? Why I walk to go?…. It is necessary to find parameters, requests of design, to who can integrate… and now have the skill to share. No only with the providers, distributors, collaborators, also with customers. The collaboration has opened . The collaboration is critical, allows to find good ideas and refuse the bad.

SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual bases in the platform 3Dexperience and gathers the essence of this new philosophy. With this solution, Dassault Systèmes opens to new horizons in the world of the design and offers to the community Solidworks the power of all his applications, contents and services.

Allows them collaborate of form more extensive and take advantage of the manufacture and impressesion 3D with the aim to be more competitive and innovative.

What have said them the users of the phase beta?

There has been a big impact between the first users. The customers have given an exceptional answer, say that it is easy to use, very intuitive and instintivo and even mention his potential out of the engineering.

Stand out the possibility to create and develop quickly his concepts of the form that want without barriers of design, and can capture automatically his ideas to use them anytime in a future. Besides it allows them design such as they think, with tools of agile design and instintivas in some surroundings of modelling without structures and with capacity of direct edition.

Besides, the tools of social collaboration included in the interactive surroundings 3Dexperience allow to the users handle the collective intelligence of his company, the customers and the providers. Likewise, the collaboration has improved with the saved automatic of the iterations of design to keep the data to save, updated and accessible anytime and in any part.

Solidworks Mechanical Conceptual
Solidworks Mechanical Conceptual.

A change of concept…

No only matters the final design, but the process whereby arrives to the same. No 'it saves a file', but they register all the steps that have driven to the result. The program is permanently connected to the database, to which are also connected the applications used by other people that collaborate in the same concept.

Solidworks Mechanical Conceptual will work in the cloud, what thinks SolidWorks on the ‘cloud it' in terms of hygiene?

Concerned us but is safe. We are very, very, very safe of this.

When we speak with a customer, they ask how work today? We use Dropbox, Ecouriers, different computers… and all this also has risk. No necessarily we are entering new risks, what says the customer is that already it assumes them. And the truth, all see more profits that risks.

Exists some cannibalism today between Catia and SolidWorks? It will exist in a future?

At present no. Work in SolidWorks from 18 years ago. When Dassault Systèmes purchased SolidWorks in 1997 was clear that sold to two different markets. SolidWorks Did not sell to segments like the automotive sector or the aerospace industry and Catia did not sell to small companies with concrete needs.

Are creating our applications and our products and Catia creates his own. We think that we will follow having two different markets. The capacities that need to manufacture an aeroplane, for example, do not offer in SolidWorks. We pursue the simplicity. I do not see cannibalism today and expect that it do not occur tomorrow.

Besides, feel the backrest of Dassault Systèmes, a big company with a lot of different technologies. There is not another company in the able planet to do the same.


If Solidworks Mechanical Conceptual succeeds, as it seems that it will have it, will drive SolidWorks the rest of products in this same steering?

Does not exist a plan but would say that yes. We are learning a lot with the new tool, the possibilities, his potential and is very feasible that finish being like this.

The integrated social part
The integrated social part.

Which is the main profile to the that directs and which is the available strategy? The people is not accustomed to pay by applications...

SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual heads to the professionals and equipment of design in the sector of the industrial machinery, in concrete those that are involved in the conceptualización of the machine.

Regarding the strategy of sales will be the same, will use three channels. We think that it will be simpler to commercialise it to customers already users of SolidWorks by our narrow relation with them, but trust a lot of in our customers and in our products.

Aaron Kelly joined to SolidWorks in 1996 like engineer of technical support and occupied several positions of leadership inside the organisation related with the management of product. Like vice-president of experience of the user and management of the wallet of products, commissions to define the wallet of products of SolidWorks to promote the income, improve the position in the market, increase the quota of market and fulfil with the aims of the community of users.

Kelly recently assumed the general steering of DraftSight, software 2D of Dassault Systèmes. Previously it exerted the charge of director of management of product of SolidWorks, where directed the positioning and the definition of the lines of products of SolidWorks.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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