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The software of design 3D Solidworks supplies the necessary precision for recortar milliseconds in the times of put

Dassault Systèmes Helps to reach the maximum speed to the American team of sled that competes in Sochi

Editorial Interempresas20/02/2014

The software of design 3D of Dassault Systèmes (DS), the 3DExperience Company, has been used to create Night Train 2, the sled (bobsled) for four people that will compete by the gold in the Games of Winter of Sochi Russia 2014.


The project Bo-Dyn Bobsled answers to the wish of the pilot veteran and champion of the Nascar Geoff Bodine, that decided to build a sled manufactured in America and with which his country ensured a place in the podium. After seeing how the team of United States saw forced to use the sleds that had descartado the Europeans in the Olympic games of Winter of 1992, Bodine applied all his 'know-how' of competition in high speed beside the capacities of engineering of design of Cuneo to create a new generation of sleds. The result of this collaboration was the design of a new sled, the 'Night Train', with which the American team in 2010 achieved to win the olympic medal for the first time in 62 years and with which will compete this Sunday 23 February in Sochi, Russia.


The team of design opted by the application SolidWorks, based in the platform 3DExperience of Dassault Systèmes, to create a faster sled with which surpass the challenges of the Games of Sochi. The speed of these sleds often surpasses the 90 miles by hour and the careers win by hundredth of second. Conscious of the strict official rules and of the challenges that supposes to recess time increasingly fast in competition, Bodine knew that the tool of design 3D that used for the first generation of Night Train would not suffice to build the fastest sled of the world.

The original aerodynamics of the sled had been optimised to adjust it to the fast outline of the circuit of Vancouver (Canada) where celebrated the competition in 2010. The circuit of the Games of Sochi, however, includes three difficult sections in slope that require a handle precise to achieve the maximum speed in the outline of the curves.


“Knew that we needed a design 3D precise and exact that offered us a realistic and effective form in costs to test and retouch the prototypes of Night Train 2. The solution was SolidWorks”, affirms Geoff Bodine, Bo-Dyn Bobsled Proect. “SolidWorks Helped us to design using material lighter and to create in the multiple computer prototypes of the sled in 3D until we arrived to the result that wanted, before beginning to build and manufacture”.

“Was incredible how SolidWorks allowed us experience with the weight of the sled and his impact in the driving. In these careers, win by a difference of minimum time, and the key of the victory many times is in the small changes of design. SolidWorks Allows us go faster thanks to these vital changes”.

The application SolidWorks is so fundamental for the team of the Night Train 2 that the boss of engineering that travels with the team is formed in the use of the software to facilitate the fast repairs or collaborate in adjust them of the components of the sled.

“Bo-Dyn and the sled that will compete in Sochi show the power of the software of design 3D SolidWorks to inspire to the people in the creation of new designs and give life to the visions that have in his mind”, concludes Bertrand Sicot, CEO of SolidWorks of Dassault Systèmes. “We wish them all the success in the Olympic games of Sochi”.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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