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‘Farming by Satellite' Expand his period and includes projects in Africa


10 February 2014

Students and agriculturalists of Europe and Africa are invited to participate in the contest devoted to the use of the technology satellite in agriculture ‘Farming by Satellite', promoted by the European agency GSA. The contest consists in uses of the navigation by satellite in agriculture that provide improvements in the production, efficiency, as well as in the reduction of the environingingmental impact. The individual or group that result winner of the contest will receive a prize of 13.000 euros funded by the producer of equipment of agricultural engineering Claas and Bayer CropScience.

The first edition of the contest celebrated in 2012 with projects devoted exclusively to Europe. This year, the European Union has expanded it to give fit to initiatives that treat the needs of agriculturalists and tillers of Africa. Gian-Gherardo Calini, director of Development of Market of GSA, affirms that the company looks for “imaginative solutions that employ the technology of free satellite and that they can help to agriculturalists of all the world.”, and it describes the contest like “a fantastic opportunity so that the youngsters obtain a big exhibition of his ideas with companies leaders and academicians”. The interested in participating in the contest will have to inscribe before 29 February in the web page of the contest and will have to present the complete work before 14 April.

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Claas Ibérica, S.A.

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