
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Un transporte “araña”, el Bobsleigh y la primera impresora 3D de fibra de carbono del mundo, ejes de la segunda Sesión General

The community SolidWorks stars the second day

A transport “spider”, the Bobsled and the first printer 3D of fibre of carbon of the world, axles of the second General Session

Nerea Gorriti10/02/2014

The almost six thousand assistants went back to fill the room of the enclosure ferial of San Diego where celebrated the second General Session of SolidWorks World 2014. This was stage of the world-wide presentation of the first three-dimensional printer of fibre of hand-held carbon of one of his creators, of a compound foundation by engineers-artists that develop only works of art and of the praised team of North American bobsled. The designers of the sled that at present competes in the games of winter of Sochi, approached us a bit more this curious, risked and little known sport to the presents. Besides, the second general session was headed to the community of users and customers.

Multitudinous assistance to SolidWorld 2014
Multitudinous assistance to SolidWorld 2014.

The day began with the presentation of the organisation eatArt “based in the investigation with a focus in the production on a large scale, art technically sophisticated”, aimed Suchit Jain, vice-president of SolidWorks User Advocacy. Jonathan Tippett, founder of eatART presented also Mondo Spider, a machine with form of arachnid and eight able legs to walk, created in Vancouver by engineers and artists in 2006. Years afterwards, date in which it participated in the Olympic games of Winter in Vancouver 2010 reconverted to work with power electrical, what allowed him work of form more silent, load with power solar and avoid the broadcasts of carbon.

After the presentation of the curious machine, Aaron Kelly announced the winners of Beta 2014: Bettina Walker (SolidWorks), Yoshinito Dobashi (Simulation), Masanosou Higashino (EPDM), Muneki Okano (Composer), Michael Malow (SolidWorks) of SolidWorks Russia, Charley Saint (EPDM) of Hawk Ridge Systems, Andrey Aliamovsky (Simulation) of SolidWorks Russia, and a tie between Ludmila Starovero of SolidWorks Russia and Scott Woods of Hawk Ridge Systems. Then, the manager of the network of the group of users of SolidWorks, Richard Doyle, presented the prizes SWUGN.

Mondo Spider, a spectacular transport arachnid
Mondo Spider, a spectacular transport arachnid.
Jonathan Tippett, founder of eatAR shows another of his projects, “Prothesis”
Jonathan Tippett, founder of eatAR shows another of his projects, “Prothesis”.

The first three-dimensional printer of fibre of carbon of the world

Gian Paulo Bassi, vice-president of Investigation and Development of SolidWorks, welcomed Greg Marcos, founder and CEO of MarkForged, the responsible company of the design of the first printer 3D of fibre of carbon of the world. The printer, with double cabezal of extrusion, is able to realizar pieces in nylon reinforced with fibre of carbon. The machine calls Mark One and works with a process of manufacture of continuous filament (CFF) of fibre of carbon. The pieces in ABS can be until 20 more rigid times, according to the company.

East has been one of the strong dishes of SolidWorks World and one of which more interest has generated in the zone of exhibition. The signature MarkForged originally began like a company called Aeromotion that designed an aileron of fibre of carbon for a Ferrari of competition. “Reduce two seconds of a turn of two minutes, can be the difference between winning and lose”, said Greg.

MarkForged Worked jointly with a company of industrial design to optimise the image of the printer. The customer exchanged options of design using eDrawings of SolidWorks. According to the representative of the signature: “With the printer of fibre of carbon 3D, wanted to do something attractor trucks, that the people want to see it in his desk at the side of his computer”.

Gian Paulo Bassi, vice-president of Investigation and Development of SolidWorks and Greg Marcos, founder and CEO of MarkForged...
Gian Paulo Bassi, vice-president of Investigation and Development of SolidWorks and Greg Marcos, founder and CEO of MarkForged.
The first three-dimensional printer of fibre of carbon has besides a care design
The first three-dimensional printer of fibre of carbon has besides a care design.
MarkForged Originally it began like a company called Aeromotion that designed an aileron of fibre of carbon for a Ferrari of competition...

MarkForged Originally it began like a company called Aeromotion that designed an aileron of fibre of carbon for a Ferrari of competition.

Bobsled, designing sleds

Bertrand Sicot, CEO of Solidworks lived in first person the experience of the Bobsled

Bertrand Sicot, CEO of Solidworks lived in first person the experience of the Bobsled.

For this second day, SolidWorks also had some invited special: the designers of the sled of bobsled of the North American team: Geoffrey Bodine, a withdrawn pilot of motoring of American speed and manufacturer of bobsled and the engineer Bob Cuneo, that are behind the design of the bobsled Night Train 2 of the team of EE UU with which competes in the Olympic games of 2014 in Sochi, Russia.

Precisely, Bertrand Sicot that presented to the invited, starred a fun video in which it experienced a descent in bobsled the year happened in Park City, Utah. Bodine Spoke of his decision to turn into a conductive bobsled quoting his days of careers of Nascar like source of his inspiration. Winner of the Daytona 500 in 1984, Geoff got obsessed with this curious sport and knew that it had to devote his knowledges to help to the American team of bobsled to optimise his designs and begin to win careers. It hired to Bob Cuneo, a famous engineer and designer, that knew, would be adapted for the work, signalled

Since, the team of EE UU has won numerous medals between them one in the Olympic games of Winter of Vancouver in 2010 and the Glass of the World of 2014. “To optimise the sled studied the wide books of rules and the parameters to treat to fit them in our design. We play a bit with the outside and the internal mechanics. It is not only a sled on esquís, there is a big effort in the control and in the aerodynamics ”, said Cuneo.

BoDyn Used SolidWorks to simulate the behaviour of the sled in the track and saved to the numerous company modifications in the design. “We work with our engineer of field, Jim ‘Cheech' that informs on the results of the careers and the performance of the sled. In an occasion, in a career in Germany, our sled suffered an unlucky accident. Cheech Went back immediately and were able to redo the fibre of carbon. In a week, restore our sled and was smart again for the career”, aimed Geoff. Working jointly with the athletes, BoDyn Bobsled customised the design of sled so that this went perfect for his steering and control.

More information:

The manager of SolidWorks presents to the assistants the two next invited
The manager of SolidWorks presents to the assistants the two next invited.
Geoffrey Bodine...

Geoffrey Bodine, a pilot withdrawn of motoring and manufacturer of bobsled and the engineer Bob Cuneo are behind the design of the bobsled Night Train 2 of the team of EE UU.

Geoffrey Bodine in front of the “sled” that at present competes in the Olympic games of Winter 2014
Geoffrey Bodine in front of the “sled” that at present competes in the Olympic games of Winter 2014.

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