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Weidemann Exposes in FIMA the last novelties in loaders on wheels and telescopic

Editorial Interempresas24/01/2014

Weidemann presents in FIMA the loaders on wheels 4080 and 5080, according to the rule of broadcasts IIIB, with a new technology of engine for his application in big agricultural exploitations and in farms with plants of biogás. Neither lacking in the stand the new basic model, the T4108, and  T5522, of 4,2 t, in the half category of loaders telescopic.

With the new models 4080 and 5080, Weidemann presents two new loaders on wheels, that offer optionally with bielas or as loaders telescopic with telescopic arm. The new loaders substitute the successful models 4070CX and 4270CXT and have been designed mainly for big agricultural exploitations that have to transport a big volume of square bullets, cereals and materials of filling, as well as for farms with plants of biogás. One of the main reasons for the introduction of the new models are the directives of the European rule on broadcasts IIIB. For this, also have adapted the motors of the new machines. To be able to keep value them limit, was necessary to install additional technologies in the already tested models, like a filter of particles and optimise the capacity of refrigeration by means of a recirculation of the gases of leakage refrigerated. Like value added, also has achieved improve the efficiency of the motors, reducing the consumption of fuel almost in a fifty percent.

These new loaders differentiate regarding his predecessors also in other points like the design of the hood of the engine. With the installation of the additional components for the back treatment of the broadcasts and the refrigeration, the space that there was under the hood no longer was sufficient. That was the only reason that needed Weidemann to enter a new design more dynamic for the hood of the engine. This line of design has transmitted step by step to all the range of models.

Loaders on wheels like the model 5080 have been designed mainly for big exploitations

Loaders on wheels like the model 5080 have been designed mainly for big exploitations.

Regarding the loaders telescopic, Weidemann already can offer to his customers a series graduated and practical with four distinct types of machines. The T4108 is the new basic model of the catalogue of loaders telescopic thanks to his compact construction. With these measures is the loaders telescopic more compact of the market. The second novelty is the loaders telescopic T5522, slightly bigger, that with his 4,2 tonnes covers the empty existent between the previous basic model T4512 and the powerful T6025.

In group, the design of the two loaders has oriented to the sector of the agriculture and the ecuestre. The proyectistas of Weidemann determined after an exhaustive analysis, that the main telescopic of the market were mainly oriented to the industry of the construction and, therefore, did not fulfil with all the requirements of the agricultural sector. The concept of design of the two new loaders takes into account these special requirements.

The T4108 is the new basic model of the catalogue of loaders telescopic of Weidemann
The T4108 is the new basic model of the catalogue of loaders telescopic of Weidemann.