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Pavilion 6, stand C/10

Maschio gaspardo Presents with a range expanded for seed, laboreo and pulverización

Editorial Interempresas17/01/2014

FIMA 2014 is a special edition for Maschio gaspardo, since this edition coincides with the celebrations of the 50 years of activity of the company, founded in 1964. Many are, as always, the ranges of products and the novelties that the multinational presents in his stand of 1.000 m2.

In seeds of precision the novelties are four: Marisa, sembradora dragged of 8 bodies MTR, and MT Seeds Twin, a machine with 4 double bodies for seeds in high density, that will do his debut in the Spanish market at the side of the already known Magica, sembradora of 9 bodies with interfila variable, and Blanket, folding and telescopic of 12 bodies. It presents besides the new electronic system of transmission Tronic, that jointly with the protocol of communication Isobus represent the highest levels of technology nowadays available. The electronic engine 'Brushless' of the Tronic is to proof of hits, water and dirt; the density of seed can be controlled from the cabin of the tractor; it seeds it it is controllable from the monitor; and it allows an easy exclusion of seeds by element.

The new electronic system of transmission Tronic will be one of the big novelties in the section of seeds
The new electronic system of transmission Tronic will be one of the big novelties in the section of seeds.

In sowing machines of cereal Tops will attract all the attentions of the stand being the sembradora combined for cereal of the moment with possibility to exchange the train of seeds with one of precision. Alitalia With bar of seed Perfetta; it Paints with preparador frontal; Spring, Scatenata and Giant complete the big range of sowing machines pneumatics for cereal. It presents in novelty the new element of seed direct in grille.

In manufacturing of the floor can appreciate the update of the range of the famous rotavator folding Panther. It treats of the fuselage insignia of the range that has been renewed and improved to satisfy the needs of the most demanding agriculturalists. Reliability and capacity of work extended thanks to the new structure reinforced 'heavy-duty' and a width of work expanded until the 620 cm to be able to work with tractors until 400 CV. Panther will share stand with the folding rotary presses terracing Bull, of 7 m, with system of desenganche fast of blades, hydraulics regulation of the roller and system of refrigeration of the lateral groups; the terracing of fast disks UFO, folding and semiarrastrada; the subsolador Attila; and cultivador folding Earthquake 3.

The famous rotavator folding Panther renews
The famous rotavator folding Panther renews .
In ploughs, with the acquisition of an Italian company manufacturer from 40 years ago of ploughs, the Group can now explain between his rows with a complete range of this imprenscindible apero. The model Siro Miscellaneous is the attendant to do the official presentations. Available in 3 versions (S, M, L), with different sizes of the chassis, of the diameters of the axles of rotations of the cabeceres, as well as of the distance between the bodies and the clear of the floor to adapt to the different needs of the agriculturalist. It has cabecera fixed or basculante of an only piece with the regulation of the first groove through a guide deslizante; Miscellaneous system of width of work with hydraulics regulation; complete range of vertedera done of steel highly malleable; different scrapers and covers stubbles to configure the machines; and rigid or folding chasses.
The Miscellaneous Syrian is the attendant to do the official presentation of the new range of ploughs of the Italian multinational...
The Miscellaneous Syrian is the attendant to do the official presentation of the new range of ploughs of the Italian multinational.

Whereas in the terrain of the trituración Gemella is the attendant to represent the wide range of crushers and mincers of corn of the house, in the pulverización the three models with presence in FIMA are Pompeo, Saturn and Uranus. The first with bar and axles cushioned for a better stability of work; deposits until 6.200 l and bars until 36 m; steeringal axis to minimise the damages to the crops during the manoeuvres; sleeve of air to reduce the effect derives; and the system Deviokit for a cleaning of the circuit with the full tank without dilution of the product. By his part, the atomiser Saturn, prepared for the connection to the frontal tank to increase the autonomy of work, has a capacity of the tank from 800 until 1.200 l, bars from 14 until 24 m, and also with the system Deviokit.

Pompeo is one of the three atomisers that Maschio gaspardo presents in FIMA
Pompeo is one of the three atomisers that Maschio gaspardo presents in FIMA.

Related Companies or Entities

Maschio-Gaspardo Ibérica, S.L.