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Pavilion 6, stand 31-37

Comeca Attends to Saragossa with the last in siega and crushers of the marks Elho and Lely

Editorial Interempresas17/01/2014

The marks Elho and Lely, represented by Comeca, are again leading in FIMA with his last novelties in the world of the siega and the trituración. The distributor manchego presents in Saragossa, among others models, the spectacular segadora Arrow Delta 10500 of Elho and the segadora Lely Splendimo 550P, with requirements very low of power.

The spectacular Arrow Delta 10500 of Elho is the big protagonist in the stand of Comeca, manufactured in two versions: like segadora of bar of cut of disks or like segadora acondicionadora. The units of cutting (right and left) are stuck in the 3º rear point of the tractor and follow automatically the lines of cut of the frontal machine when describing a curve. The solapamiento is lower and therefore optimises totally the width of cutting fully. The driver can concentrate in the driving without looking backwards.

The tractorista only needs to presses a button to go up the segadora frontal, the double rear team will elevate in the correct point and in the suitable place without that the driver have to look backwards. And vice versa, when initiating the cut pressesing the button goes down the frontal team and the backside follows him initiating the cut in the suitable point. And all thanks to the GPS. The automatic suspension ‘AutoBalance' controls the pressesure of the unit of cut on the terrain. This guarantees the quality of the work and reduces the consumption of fuel. The weight that the team exerts on the floor remains constantly controlled by the distinct sensors of position.

With only presses a button gives the order to the team to deploy of the position of transport to the one of work and vice versa. An important saving of time and a consequent increase of efficiency.

Segadora Arrow Delta 10500 of Elho
Segadora Arrow Delta 10500 of Elho.
Besides, Comeca shows also the crusher of bullets of forraje Elho with the system CrossCut, that crumbles the bullets in a time record and optimises the distribution of the silo or the straw. All the functions are of a simple use and control from the electronic unit in the cabin of the tractor, besides the loaders and the elevator of bullets also can be controlled from the CrossCut by a signpost of control in the backside of the feeder. The CrossCut short and distributes so many bullets of forraje (food ensilado) as of straw (for bed of the animals). The ramp of elevation has strong nervaduras transversal that manipulate with hygiene heavy bundles, even frozen products. The speed of trituración can be regulated thanks to the ramp basculante that is of series in the feeder.

Lely Attends with all his potential for the siega

The big novelty of the segadora Splendimo 550 P of Lely is that they are two machines of 320 in one, one by in front of the another, with a solapamiento between both not to leave zones without cutting. His folded longitudinal does very comfortable the transport. With some requirements of low power of work and an excellent adaptation to the floor, guarantees an attractor trucks package for a wide rank of users. Ideal for his use with a tractor of light to give a perfect result in difficult conditions. Excellent cutting, without faults, and for average and big exploitations with a performance optimo designed, especially for plots relatively big that do not require of an operation of conditioned.

Segadora Splendimo 550 P of Lely
Segadora Splendimo 550 P of Lely.

Does not be missing neither in FIMA the desbrozadora polyvalent Berti TSB/P 500, that results excellent for triturar the rests in the crop of the asparagus. For tractors of 90 to 250 CV, has of system of folded hydraulics, and is indicated for the trituración of grass, tallos of corn, sunflower, cane of sugar, stubble of cereal, etc.

Of the mark Unia, new represented of Comeca, the leadership recae on two machines. On the one hand, the ploughs of vertedera, available in three versions: Tur, fixed from 3 body until 4+1; and Ibis and Vis, reversible from 3 bodies of vertedera until 8+1 bodies. Rigid or variables in width, sisponen of system of shot of hygiene of screw of fuse, mechanic of crossbow and hydraulics; cabezal hydraulics of regulation; volteo hydraulics with memory of position; and optionally it films of control of depth, wheel of transport, raedera, shovels of ribs and arm for roller desazonador of work.
Abonadora MXL of Unia
Abonadora MXL of Unia.
The section of credit presents the abanodora MXL Unia, suspended to the third point, with capacity of 1.200/1.600/2.100 and 3.000 l. It has of two dishes distributors of fertilizante and screw sinfín of distribution of credit to the dishes with accionamiento hydraulics and of stainless steel; limiters of perimeter of plot not to lose fertilizante; three types of control: basic electrical, electronic multifunción and computer, with taking of data and connections to PC or portable; complete treatment against the corrosion of the fertilizante; and optionally with the possibility to mount on a chassis car-transportable and work with tractors of little power in position of machine dragged.