
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Axis presenta nuevas cámaras de red fijas diseñadas para la captura de movimientos rápidos en alta definición

Axis Presents new cameras of fixed network designed for the capture of fast movements in high definition


31 October 2013

Axis Q1614, camera of fixed network that allows the identification of people and objects in extreme conditions of low lighting...

Axis Q1614, camera of fixed network that allows the identification of people and objects in extreme conditions of low lighting.

Axis Communications presents the cameras Axis Q 1614 (for interiors) and Q1416-And (prepared for outside). It treats of able cameras to capture fast movements with the double of fotogramas that of habit, and handle scenes of complex lighting with high contrasts and extreme conditions of little light. These cameras result ideal for systems of destined video to the control of traffic, videovigilancia citizen and industrial surroundings.

The cameras Axis Q1614/-And provide images with resolution HDTV 720p to 50 or 60 fotogramas by second, the double of the conventional maximum speed. This ensures the capture of fast movements in detail so that, for example, the objects of a line of industrial production can be easily identified.

Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) With dynamic capture of Axis, is the technology that allows to the cameras Axis Q1614/-And handle scenes with complex lighting and high contrasts, as when the sunlight creates zones very brilliant and other very dark. Under these circumstances the cameras Axis Q1614 and Axis Q1614-And offer images homogéneas without brusque contrasts. This allows the identificiación of people and objects without mattering if they find in a zone with a lot of or little light inside the field of vision of the camera.

The cameras Axis Q1614/-And also incorporate the exclusive technology Lightfider, that allows the optimum and effective operation of the camera in extreme conditions of low lighting. Unlike the day and night conventional cameras, that change to white way and black during the night, the cameras with technology Lightfinder offer images in colour, even in conditions of a lot of darkness. There are a lot of situations in which the videovigilancia in colour is an important factor to attain a correct identification.

“The cameras Axis Q1614 combine two exclusive technologies entered for the first time in the previous cameras of the series Axis Q16; Lightfinder and Wide Dinamyc Rage with dynamic capture” signals Erik Frännlid, Director of Management of Products of Axis Communications. “The cameras no only adapt to any type of conditions of lighting, but they also are ours first cameras of fixed network that provide an image of video cleaner, with 50 or 60 fotogramas by second and resolution HDTV 720p. We think that the increase of the number of fotogramas and the high quality of image are a successful combination in all those applications where require capture fast movements of objects, even in situations of demanding lighting.”

Axis Presents also innovative functions in what it has ease of installation refers with the Axis Q1614/-And, to reduce the time of installation and ensure a setting and an optimum configuration of the cameras. The new tools of nivelación, for example, a zumbido and an intermittent light, help to the installer to mount the camera in the correct horizontal level. This is very useful when the installer is not sure of if the support of setting is properly levelled or no. The new Axis Q1614/-And are, besides, the first cameras of Axis with detection of crashes of high adjustable sensitivity, a function that allows to the camera send automatically an alarm to the room of control if it receives a hit. This characteristic is of special help in areas that suffer vandalic acts regularly and help to the operators to maximizar the time of activity of the camera.

The cameras of fixed network Axis Q1614 and Axis Q1614-And will be available during the fourth quarter of 2013 to a P.V.P. Recommended of €923 and €1.775, respectively, through the usual marketing venues of Axis Communications.

The cameras are compatible with the mayoria of the software of management of video of the industry, thanks to the Program for Developers of Applications of Axis and to Axis Camera Station. The camera includes support to Axis Camera Companion, Axis Camera Application Platform, Axis Video Hosting System and to Onvif, that simplifies the integration of systems of cameras to the developers of applications to provide to the camera work intelligent.

Related Companies or Entities

Axis Communications, S.A.U.

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