
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Haifa potencia su gama de Poly-Feed para la 'nutrigación'

Haifa Improves his range of Poly-Feed for the 'nutrigación'


28 October 2013

Haifa bet by the Nutrigación with Poly-Feed, a line of fertilizantes NPK crystalline and totally soluble in water, that facilitates the nutrition of the plants to the agriculturalist. It designates 'nutrigación' (fertirrigación) to the application of nutrients through systems of irrigation, incorporating fertilizantes soluble in the water of irrigation and facilitating the integration and harmonisation between the application of water and nutrients for the plants. The use of the 'nutrigación' involves to offer a suitable quantity of water and nutrients of direct form to the zone of the root of the plant, to satisfy his demand during the distinct stages of development. The tax of daily application of nutrients through the 'nutrigación' is cambiante during all the period of development of the crop and schedules to follow the daily demand of the plant of agreement to his rhythm of absorption of nutrients.

The use of Poly-Feed facilitates the contribution of the nutrients for the plants through the system of irrigation since it is a fertilizante NPK totally soluble in water, formulated to offer a complete nutrition to the plant along all his cycle of development. Poly-Feed Has a wide range of formulas and compositions that cover the needs of the plants with all the types of system of crop. His use provides us a saving in time and effort in the preparativos and an exact composition of the nutritious solution without errors, not producing wastes neither losses of expensive raw materials.

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Haifa Iberia, S.L.