
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at SolidWorks 2014: nuevos niveles de productividad para todo tipo de sectores
Presentation in Madrid of the last novelties of this complete solution of software 3D

SolidWorks 2014: new levels of productivity for all type of sectors

David Muñoz13/09/2013

On 11 September Dassault Systèmes celebrated in Madrid a presses conference to present the main novelties of SolidWorks 2014, a range of software 3D that includes a rich variety of products, including CAD 3D, simulation, management of data of products, technical communication and electrical design, qualifying of this form to the companies to “design without limits”. The meeting with the presses had the presence of Nicolas Loupy, general director of Dassault Systèmes for Spain and Portugal, Jean Yves Ferré, technical director of SolidWorks, and Ernesto Sánchez, director of Marketing of Dassault Systèmes for Spain and Portugal.

Nicolas Loupy gave start to the meeting with a presentation of Dassault Systémes and of the paper that plays SolidWorks in the structure of the company. Dassault Systèmes Is specialised in providing to the companies and to the people virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. His solutions transform the form in which they design , produce and keep the products. The company has a staff closely of 11.000 people all over the world, and in the 2012 rebasó the 2.000 million euros of turnover. It has of more than ten marks registered, of which SolidWorks contributes roughly 20% of the total turnover of the company.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Ernesto Sánchez, director of Marketing of Dassault Systèmes for Spain and Portugal, Jean Yves Ferré, technical director of SolidWorks, and Nicolas Loupy, general director of Dassault Systèmes for Spain and Portugal.

One of the keys of Dassault Systémes, as it signalled his general director for the Iberian market, is “to know listen the needs of the customers”. For this the priorities of the company, and more specifically for SolidWorks, go through to centre the attention in the customers, for investing in the community and achieve that it grow, for identifying new potential markets and for respecting at all times his main technology. To this adds his vocation to follow evolving his mobile applications and his will to contribute a greater value to the services of subscription.

All these factors are comporting the success all over the world of SolidWorks, that in addition to being a mark of Dassault Systémes is one of his marketing venues. The data are elocuentes in this appearance: 2,1 million users, 180.000 customers, 1 million of users of 3D ContentCentral active, 1.350.000 followers in Facebook, 4.500.000 reproductions of his videos in Youtube, 2,5 million students graduated in 25.000 schools and universities, 150.000 members of forums… A quantitative increase that also has his reflection in the level of satisfaction of the customers, since this has increased, of agreement to the surveys realizar by the own company, an average of 5% from the year 2007.

The new functionalities of SolidWorks 2014 allow to the users create complex surfaces and organic forms faster...
The new functionalities of SolidWorks 2014 allow to the users create complex surfaces and organic forms faster, of form simpler and with a more precise control.

By all the signalled is not of extrañar that SolidWorks, that celebrates this 2013 his 20 anniversary, follow increasing his presence in the industry year after year. After reaching in 2012 the 527,8 million dollars of turnover (50.000 new licences sold during all the year), in this 2013, only in the second quarter, the income already rose until the 139,6 million dollars.

To keep this ascending line one of the keys of SolidWorks is his clear innovative vocation, what self-evident in the continuous increase of his range of solutions. In this sense, as it aimed Nicolas Loupy, more than 20% of the profits derived of his products proceeds already of the wallet of solutions that do not consider like CAD (in 2007 supposed 90% of the total). The incorporation of new solutions like the recent SolidWorks plastics and SolidWorks Electrical, suppose definitely new doors of entrance to customers.

To day of today, the range of SolidWorks structures in five big lines: 3D CAT (with his versions Premium, Professional and Standard), Simulation (with his versions Premium, simulation of discharge, sustainability and the new of plastics), Management of data of product (Enterprise PDM), technical Communication (Composer) and the new Electrical line (2D and 3D).

Another key figure in SolidWorks is the one of the distributor authorised, professionals very qualified and formed dumped in giving a permanent assistance that cover the needs of the users. In this permanent attention has been a decisive step the platform ‘My.SolidWorks' To speed up the exchange of information between all the members of the community SolidWorks and through any device. Of this form the users find answers more easily to his doubts and access more ágilmente to the resources of assistance. Going on down this steering the future goes through to improve the direct relation with the users, to have a better knowledge of the same, and for this the company will offer more contents and services through internet.

SolidWorks 2014 realizar a detailed faster and automated of the drawings
SolidWorks 2014 realizar a detailed faster and automated of the drawings.

Another of the priorities of SolidWorks is the one to identify new markets, knowing that the companies of greater success and with greater profitability are used to to be had to invest in new technologies. The aim, therefore, is to increase the wallet of customers so much in traditional sectors for SolidWorks, as it can be the industrial machinery, the automotive sector, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, the construction, the packaging, the products of high technology or the telecommunications, among others, as in new sectors.

Nicolas Loupy finished his intervention reviewing some of the main customers with which explains SolidWorks in Spain (Ferrovial, Fagor, Alstom, Cemusa, Thyssen Krupp…) as well as some formative entities that already use his solutions in our country (University of Saragossa, University of Castile-La Mancha, University Carlos III, UPC of Catalonia, between other a lot of).

New range of products SolidWorks 2014

To review the novelties that presents SolidWorks 2014 had the presence of Jean Yves Ferré, technical director of SolidWorks, the one who resumía the new version like a more integrated solution, more intuitive, more powerful, simpler to use, with new devices to guarantee the confidentiality of the information and with a greater visualisation.

The new version SolidWorks 2014 provides big improvements of productivity and usability, and allows to the companies employ more time in the tasks oriented to the innovation. The stimuli to elevate the productivity, the improvements in the flows of work and the mobility facilitate to the users reutilizar the data of form more dynamic, accelerating the exchange of data of design to attain a fast collaboration inside the process of development of products. The mobile support addition for the devices Android and iOS allows that the more than 2,1 million users of SolidWorks connect and experience the new designs 3D, from any part and anytime.

SolidWorks 2014 improvement the performance and the visualisation of the settings
SolidWorks 2014 improvement the performance and the visualisation of the settings.

The last studies of market confirm the importance of the aesthetics of a product for the purchase and initial experience of a customer. Independently that the final product was an industrial machine, a smartphone or a medical device, the customers wish so much the functional wealth like an attractor trucks design. SolidWorks 2014 help to the designers of products to transfer, faster that never before, his creative ideas from the outlines of design and images to models 3D, at the same time that expands the group of tools of design to transform the ideas in products headed to new markets.

Between the new functionalities, the ‘table of record'allows that multiple users see and follow the changes of recent design with an alone click of mouse, what is essential for the work colaborativo. Other functions improved, like the combinations of assembling, known like ‘common matt' in the contextual menu, offer intelligent options based in the patterns of previous use, and apply new options that fit when they are realizar the settings.

Can also share and obtain an early support for the models 3D through the physical prototypes that work with the partners of impressesion 3D of SolidWorks. With eDrawings, the companies can see the designs 3D and show how comport the products in the real world, through the experience 3D of reality increased on any device iOS, like an iPad or an iPhone.

The integrated range of products SolidWorks 2014 include new tools and improvements to shorten the process of design, improve the collaboration and increase the productivity in four key areas: tools of design, flows of integrated work, increases of performance and better visualisation to facilitate the collaboration.

SolidWorks Simulation Takes advantage of of automatic form the data of engineering for reutilizarlos in simulations...
SolidWorks Simulation Takes advantage of of automatic form the data of engineering for reutilizarlos in simulations, deleting the duplication of efforts and improving the collaboration in the design.

These are the main functional improvements, requested by the users and included in SolidWorks 2014:

Tools of design

- Control of forms advanced. The new functionality to choose the style of the curves, the automatic scale Sketch Picture and the controls for redondeos conical allow to the users create complex surfaces and organic forms faster, of form simpler and with a more precise control.

- Detail more quickly the drawings. Realizar a detailed faster and automated of the drawings.

- Improvements in metallic sheets. The new function for metallic sheets allows a faster creation of geometries of metallic covers, in addition to an improvement of the data for manufacture. The users win like this a greater control on the treatments of corners and capacity to create nerves of reinforcement according to the intention of design in the supports of setting, used to reinforce the weight and the strength planted on the piece.

Flows of integrated work

- Flow of work optimised SolidWorks Enterprise PDM. Allows to manage easily more data with the new integration with Microsoft Office and the previsualización graphic improved in the customer web.

- Better integration and performance of SolidWorks Electrical. The best integration with SolidWorks Enterprise PDM and eDrawings allows to the users optimise, share and do the follow-up of the electrical designs of form simpler, improving like this the collaboration in the projects.

Increase of productivity

- Communication and collaboration of design. With the new support for devices Android, the mobile users can expand his options of visualisation further of the mobile devices iOS.

- Optimisation of the estimate and reporting of costs. The users can tarifar pieces more quickly with fewer configurations, and afterwards share the data of costs more effectively inside the chain of value of his company. For example, the key data of development of product for the assembling can now send to Microsoft Excel, what allows a fast exchange between departments like manufacture and shopping.

The new version offers a better integration and performance of SolidWorks Electrical
The new version offers a better integration and performance of SolidWorks Electrical.

Improvements in visualisation

- Optimisation of the configuration of simulation. SolidWorks Simulation Takes advantage of of automatic form the data of engineering for reutilizarlos in simulations, deleting the duplication of efforts and improving the collaboration in the design.

- Better performance and visualisation of the settings. Believes assemblings faster and with more ease with the new bar of tools in context Quick Matt and Slot Matt. For the setting in the seen of sections, the users can include or exclude the components selected, allowing a fast creation of seen of section more impressesive.

Supported in the platform 3DExperience of Dassault Systèmes, the software of design SolidWorks is so simple like powerful, allowing to any company give life to his ideas and adentrarse in the international markets. SolidWorks Supplies an intuitive experience in design, simulation, publication, management of data and evaluation of the environingingmental impact of the products, helping to million engineers to design without limits.

Availability and price

For more information on SolidWorks 2014, including the videos of demonstration, visit: SolidWorks 2014 is available at present all over the world through the distributors authorised of SolidWorks.

To expand information or know the list of prices by part of some distributor authorised in his region, visit:

If it is interested in assisting to a seminar on SolidWorks 2014, visit:

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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