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After Autodesk purchased MoldFlow, SolidWork has answered expanding his offer with new functionalities for plastic

SolidWorks plastics: The mechanical design is not alone metallic, is each more plastic day

Joan Sánchez Sabé20/02/2013
Each day there are more pieces of plastics in more places. Designers, accustomed to conceive pieces of metal that mechanise from a block, have to begin to substitute them by pieces of plastic. The big majority, in fact, more than 80%, of plastic injected. SolidWorks plastics Contributes to the designers of pieces of plastic, and to those who design the necessary moulds to inject them, a group of tools of integrated easy to use. The aim is to help to predict and avoid defects of manufacture from the start of the process of design. A mould of injection can cost a small fortune. Have to redo it hurts in the soul and the pocket. Avoid it, helps him to more than one to sleep calm. SolidWorks plastics Has four basic aims: predict (by means of simulation) and avoid defects of manufacture; delete the costs involved in the modifications of an already manufactured mould; improve the provision of the pieces manufactured and reduce the time of design.
SolidWorks plastics Is not the first integrated cheese cheese product or linked with SolidWorks to design pieces of plastic, or to design moulds of injection. From it does long they exist products like MoldFlow and Simpoe that allow or allowed such functionalities. Even, until the 2007, the own SolidWorks had of MoldFlow Expresses. However, in the world of the technician no all explains in technical terms. In 2008, MoldFlow was purchased by Autodesk, rival of SolidWorks, and the result was that the version 2008 of SolidWorks no longer had MoldFlow Expresses. It supposes that some agreements of licence lost by the way, or decided to not to renegotiate.

During the past year, SolidWorks announced the availability of SolidWorks plastics. The product is not the fruit of a long process of internal development, but it treats , in this occasion, of an adaptation of the software SimpoeWorks of the French Simpoe. Like this, it achieves split of a mature product and tested, add the experience of a company devoted almost in scoop to the simulation of the injection of plastics and go out to the market with the maximum guarantees.

Main advantages of SolidWorks plastics
Main advantages of SolidWorks plastics.

The key points of SolidWorks plastics

The capacities diferenciadoras of the product are three:
  • One very wide database of plastic materials, with all his properties. More than 4.000 materials, easily personalizable.
  • A wide range of capacities of analysis
  • The capacity to guide to the user in the approach of the analysis and the interpretation of the results

For the designers of pieces, allows:

  • Answer to the basic questions:
    • The mould will fill ? The piece is really inyectable?
    • Where will produce the lines of welding?
    • There will be bubbles of air?
  • Simulate the filled of the mould
  • Optimise the form of the pieces to facilitate his manufacture
  • Determine the optimum points for the injection of the material

For the designers of and manufacturers of moulds:

  • Simulate the filled and compressesion of the mould
  • Optimise disposals of one and multiple cavities
  • Balance systems with multiple moulds
  • Determine the pressesure of necessary injection and the strength of necessary closing of the inyectora
  • Analyse and simulate sophisticated conditions: sobremoldeo, moldeo two-phase, moldeo aided by gas, valves, ...

The competitive advantage of SolidWorks plastics: the software are not only programs, also is service

When SolidWorks explained us the excellences of his product, through Peter J. Rucinski, the boss of product of SolidWorks plastics (and that, along his career, had worked for MoldFlow), put the maximum emphasis no in the product, but in his surroundings, in his dream team. His competitive advantage is in the team of more than 400 people that can help to the final customer to set up the product, advise him and form him. According to him, 400 ready people to help in the selection of the material, the design of the piece and of the corresponding mould.

Obviously, the second advantage is the complete integration inside the surroundings SolidWorks.

Simulation of the injection of a piece: filled
Simulation of the injection of a piece: filled

Available versions

SolidWorks plastics Professional

SolidWorks plastics Professional allows to perfect the feasibility of manufacture of pieces of plastic injected in the first phases of the process of design. It treats of an easy software to use and learn and that is integrated cheese cheese to the complete with the surroundings CAD of SolidWorks, what allows to analyse and modify the designs at the same time that perfects the form, the adjust and the function.

SolidWorks plastics Premium

SolidWorks plastics Premium provides to which design or manufacture moulds of injection a way to optimise them precise and of simple use. It allows to create and analyse with rapidity moulds of an only cavity, of several cavities and even families of moulds, including channels and entrances of injection. Even it can balance systems of channels and calculate the length of the cycles, the strength of closing and the grammage of injection. In summary, allows to optimise the design of the system of feeding and avoid the high cost to have to retouch moulds.

The prices of reference (in EE UU) are: 4.995 USD for the professional version, and 14.995 USD for the Premium.

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks