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Robots-helicopter and birds voladores: Second day of SolidWorks World 2013

Joan Sánchez Sabé23/01/2013

22 January 2013

Although it suppose that those who devote to the design have to have the feet in the floor, the truth is that to all (or almost) like them the things that move by the air. If they move very fast, better. The second general session of SolidWorks World has allowed us know the initiatives of the University of Pennsylvania and the ones of Festo to do, between other things, trastos steering wheels. All this, and following a script that repeats in the different editions of SolidWorks World, after knowing the activities of the groups of users, the learning and the certifications.

It begins the show, speak of hardware

Fielder Hiss, that already participated in the Day of yesterday, has been the teacher of ceremonies of the one of today. It has presented us to Frank Soqui, of Intel, that has done recommendations for the one who want to buy a computer for CAD (and that summary in: it is not the same a station of work that a desktop computer, spend you the pasta).


All the manufacturers of software do program beta. They are the previous versions to the final launching, prepared so that a number (comparatively) reduced of companies test them in realistic situations, with different configurations of hardware and software, and with different uses and needs. They are those that detect a good part of the errors and omissions, and allow to correct the programs before his massive launching.

The reduced number of probadores beta of SolidWorks 2013 has been 4.000. It is not a small number, but yes is it compared with the 2 million users of SolidWorks. To stimulate to the probadores beta, that divide between distributors and final users, SolidWorks does a species of competition. And today we have known the winners. The winner between the final users, has been it simultaneously in three categories: general use, simulation and EPDM. It treats of Masanobu Higashino, somebody to the one who has to like him a lot hunt bugs (bugs).

The state of the groups of users

Richard Doyle, responsible of the groups of users of SolidWorks, and as it comes being habit during the last years, has done us know that already there are 232 groups of users of the product. As it corresponds, it has praised to all those that participate in the same, and especially to those who lead them.

In the session of today have participated the two children of a recently died and known member of the users of SolidWorks, that have done a small panegyric and a gratitude to those who collaborated with him. The design also has human face, or, especially, has human face.

The design do it people: it has surrendered homage today to a regrettable loss...
The design do it people: it has surrendered homage today to a regrettable loss. Richard Doyle has done an important effort to contain in the stage when announcing it. It has noticed his affection.

More hardware

Rob Herman, of Lenovo, that (if it does not fail us the memory) is the first time that goes up to the stage of the evento like sponsor, has explained us the characteristics of his machines. Again, spend you the pasta in a machine, and SolidWorks will fly. Especially, that did not be memory.

Lenovo Recommends us that no infrainvirtamos
Lenovo Recommends us that no infrainvirtamos.

With a certificate is easier to find a new employment

Although there is a lot of other reasons to want to that somebody examine you and give faith of your knowledges, one of the main seem to be the empleabilidad. It is easier to change of work (or find one) if the qualifications are standardised and certified by somebody.

Thus, Mike Puckett and Avelino Rochino, of the team of Certification, have explained us that after 15 years offering 89.000 degrees of SolidWorks, this year add two more to the list: the designated Advanced Drawing Tools Specialist (specialist in tools of drawing advanced) and EPDM (specialist in gestión of data of company).

The certifications of SolidWorks already have 15 years
The certifications of SolidWorks already have 15 years
Like novelty, those who possess a certification, and that form part of an available directory in (after register), now will be able to add his link to Linkedin. That is to say, the one who want to that his virtues are known, and receive offers of work, has it a bit easier.

Objects steering wheels that are robots

To the users of SolidWorks likes them know to more users of SolidWorks. Especially to which devote to do spectacular things. And east is the case of the students of Vijay Kumark, professor of the School of Engineering and Sciences Applied of the University of Pensylvannia.

Which were the spectacular things? Basically robots-helicopter (or cuatrirrotores like them call them). Helicopters with four propellers, partially piloted but with own intelligence, very small and in consequence, with very low inertia and high manoeuvrability, able to do all type of pirouettes (double mortal included). To counter the limitations of the size, the helicopters play with another letter: the one to associate and work like a swarm, of the same form that do it the bees, the ants or the bandadas of birds; communicating only with the most next members, acting of individual form and of anonymous form.

The professor Vijay Kumark shows us a helicopter miniature
The professor Vijay Kumark shows us a helicopter miniature.
Model (in SolidWorks) of one of the cuatrirrotores
Model (in SolidWorks) of one of the cuatrirrotores.

More robots and objects steering wheels

To finalise the session of today, Rick Chin, the manager of Innovation of SolidWorks, has presented to Elias Knubben, responsible of the corporate projects “biónicos” of Festo. The basic idea era: like copying some concepts of the nature in industrial designs. From the trompa of an elephant turned into robotino, until a bird.
Rick Chin speaking with Elias Knubben, while they showed us to the robotino
Rick Chin speaking with Elias Knubben, while they showed us to the robotino.
From the design until the final robot, the robotino is a robot that integrates electrical systems and tyres...
From the design until the final robot, the robotino is a robot that integrates electrical systems and tyres, and that has parts (like the trompa and the pinza) inspired by solutions of the nature.
Elias Knubben has showed us miscellaneous of the developments llevar with medical applications (systems to help to the recovery of people, for example). It has showed us interfaces “biónicas”, with pneumatics actuators acting like muscles (when seeming, here the pneumatics has some advantages in relation with the electrical actuators).

Finally, the surprise of the day has arrived when it has showed us to the “SmartBird”. It treats of a mechanical bird, to the style of which drew in his moment Leonardo da Vinci, but much more organic. Manufactured with the current materials of higher technology, achieves to have an envergadura of 1,96 m with a weight of alone 450 g. And it beats the wings as it would do it a bird for real, and bends the head and the body to change of steering.

Transversal section of the “SmartBird”, in which it appreciates part of the mechanism of the wings, entirely inspired by the wings of a real bird...
Transversal section of the “SmartBird”, in which it appreciates part of the mechanism of the wings, entirely inspired by the wings of a real bird.
The demonstration of flight has achieved that a good part of the audience raised of the seat (the one who subscribes included) to see to the bird fly on our heads. The applause has been general. And it is the first time that see to the public applauding of foot in a SolidWorks World. After the man had to do machines very distinct to a bird to achieve do wits steering wheels, at the end has achieved to do a wit steering wheel that really imitates to the bird. Pity that resemble a seagull, by which seat little charm...
The bird, attached by Elias and the pilot, prepared for despegar
The bird, attached by Elias and the pilot, prepared for despegar.
And, in case somebody doubted it, flies... And it does it of form grácil and controlled
And, in case somebody doubted it, flies... And it does it of form grácil and controlled.

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