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The specialist in PLM, design and maquetas digital celebrated his 3DExperience Forum in the City Condal and Bilbao

Dassault Systèmes Shares his ‘Experience 3D' in Barcelona

Laia Banús04/12/2012
The 3D Experience Forum of Dassault Systèmes is not something new. The multinational carries 5 years celebrating this business forum. But this 2012, DS has given him a new approach to the previously known evento like ‘The Meetings'. Centring in his experience and know how, Dassault Systèmes “goes further of the PLM to provide experiences holísticas in 3D and like this imagine sustainable innovations”, in words of his president and CEO Bernard Charlès.
Pierre Marchadier, Vicepresident Corporate Communications & Global Industry Development of Dassault Systèmes, during his intervention...
Pierre Marchadier, Vicepresident Corporate Communications & Global Industry Development of Dassault Systèmes, during his intervention.

After going through 20 different countries and, of May to July of 2012, gather to almost 3.000 professionals, the 3D Experience Forum arrived to Barcelona and Bilbao in autumn. In his new appointment, the experts of the company discovered to the assistants all the novelties associated to 3DExperience, based in the architecture V6, that allows to create experiences 3D that “transform the form to work and innovar in all type of industries”, as it explains the company. In the meeting participated specialists in PLM and 3D and developed parallel sessions devoted to sectors like the one of the automotive sector, industrial equipments and the products of consumption packed. In addition to the most technical presentations, in a space of technical agora, the assistants could speak with the partners and sponsors and see the solutions of way more practical.

3D and Rock & Roll

One of the reports of the morning called especially the attention of the assistants. Salvador López, professor of Esade, adviser, locutor of radius and musician of rock, centred his report in establer parallelisms between the music and the technology 3D. Both handle “universal languages” that generate emotions above languages, beliefs and political ideas. In this sense, also establish similarities between the companies and the musicians, that also “are emprendedores that they have to content to his customers”, as it explained the speaker. The difference is that the customers of the musicians call ‘fans' and have a different relation with his providers: they adore “them” and they forgive them. “If there is a thing in the life that us ‘chifla' to the people is to feel emotions”, affirmed Salvador López, “and the technology is a big generadora of emotions”. In addition to the emotions, another thing that likes them to the people is “to share these emotions”, amplify them and intensify them, like sucede in the concerts of rock. Thus, López exhorted to the assistants in causing emotions to his customers, so that little by little they convert also in fans.

On the innovation, the professor of Esade distinguished between the acumulativa “small innovations put one on of the another”, with processes of long maduration; or radical, that changes the things of revolutionary “form”, that is where goes in at stake the technology. “In the world of the music, but also in the business, the first that adopts a technology goes to have a competitive advantage, preferential positioning and goes to build his curve of experience higher that the other; it goes to build a distinct reputation and possibly very longevous”.

Salvador López even touched the guitar during his presentation
Salvador López even touched the guitar during his presentation.

New horizons with 3DExperience

Pierre Marchadier, Vicepresident Corporate Communications & Global Industry Development of Dassault Systèmes, presented the new platform of ‘Experience 3D' with which the company “goes further of the PLM” —gestión of the cycle of life of the product— “to provide experiences holísticas in 3D and like this imagine able sustainable innovations to harmonise products, nature and life”. When combining competitions of social innovation, virtual experiences in 3D realistic and intelligent technologies based in researches, Dassault Systèmes “is pioneering of a new technological wave: a platform of Experience 3D that provides services to the social companies”.


The 3DExperience is represented by a circle divided in four spaces. Each one of the ten marks of Dassault Systèmes integrates in one of these spaces.

1.- 3D Modeling Apps

  • Catia, virtual products: solution stood out in the market for the excellence in the design of products, allocated to manufacturers of all the sectors, from OEM and his chains of supply until small independent producers.
  • SolidWorks, design in 3D: mark stood out in the industry CAD 3D thanks to his software in 3D of easy use, that forms and offers support to the equipment of design and engineering of all the world, with an incessant research of the innovation.
  • Geovia, virtual planet: it offers a simple and fast form to create ‘dashboards' that allow to realise supervisions in real time, effect social analyses, share knowledges and optimise the taking of decisions.

2.- Social & Collaborative Apps

  • Enovia: it offers to the big and small companies a new degree of digital information 3D, which allows them have a perfect command of the creation and gestión of the cycle of life of the products, are these simple or complexes.
  • 3DSW4M, social innovation: thanks to the 3DSW4M, the collaborators of all type of company can create of simple and fast form his own surroundings ‘on-the-cloud' for the social innovation. Each one, already was an employee, a partner or a customer, can turn into active participant of the process of innovation, expanding and enriching the ecosystem.

3.- Information Intelligence Apps

  • Exalead, intelligence of the information: platform for applications of búsquea and access to the information. More than 250 companies of all the world and 100 million only users by all the world and 100 million only users by month resort to his technology CloudView to look for, discover and manage his valuable data.
  • Netvibes, ‘dashboard' intelligent: it offers a simple and fast form to create ‘dashboards' that allow to realise supervisions in real time, effect social analyses, share knowledges and optimise the taking of decisions.

4.- V+R, Content & Simulation Apps

  • Simulia, realistic simulation: it defines new standards to establish the realistic simulation like an industrial process in himself same, inside the chain of value of the engineering.
  • Delmia, manufacture and digital production: key solution to create an entrono digital of manufacture, allocated to optimise the systems and processes of production.
  • 3DVia, communication 3D: with the applications 3DVia, the messages transmit of clear and immediate form. It offers applications 3D so that the equipment of sales, marketing of products, learning and support benefit of a level of upper communication and of a form optimised.

Glimpsed to Nicolas Loupy, general director of Dassault Systèmes for Spain and Portugal, and Bruno Delahaye, vice-president of Marketing of the company

During the evento, Interempresas had the occasion to interview to the recently appointed general director for Spain and Portugal of Dassault Systèmes, Nicolas Loupy, and to the vice-president of Marketing of the group. It accompanied us Fulvia Vaccher, responsible of Marketing of Spain and Portugal.

As it has explained during his presentation Pierre Marchadier (vice-president of Corporate Communications and Development of the Global Industry), 3DExperience is a platform that engloba several services. His customers can hire these services separately?

Bruno Delahaye: Our customers do not have to hire it everything. What can do is to begin hiring a part or one of our marks. The platform 3DExperience is the complete platform. The customer can situate in the centre of this experience when it uses all our marks, but does not have why use them all in a principle. The majority of our customers begin by software of design 3D with Catia, and paulatinamente add more marks until forming the complete platform. It is not an obligation for nothing.

What does his different product to the of his competition? What value of differentiation convince more to his customers?

B.D.: The first thing that does us different are our 20 years of experience. It does already two decades that begin to build this concept of platform and this year, for the first time from 10 years ago have put all the marks in an only collaboration. We have created a platform that can connect all the marks in Spain. This is a clear difference and a value for our customers with regard to the competition, an alone solution for a specific need. Like this, in this platform can find all the solutions to develop his product, in time that resort to several, the 3DExperience. This proposal allows to our customer experience the emotion to create, because no only is necessary to have the best technology but also connect with the user. When creating a product, it is necessary to attract the emotion to use it.

During the presentation of this morning, the president and CEO of Dassault Systèmes Bernard Charlès has spoken of new horizons to reach with this 3DExperiencie…

B.D.: If, it is the philosophy of the group. There is a first step in the creation that is the design, where goes in at stake the PLM, the programming... Afterwards we fix us in the ‘usability' and, in third place, in how connects with the people. And these three steps are to which refers this concept and what offers the platform.

By industrial states, which are more receptivos with this type of product?

B.D.: I can say that nowadays any sector needs to work with some platform of these characteristics. At present the systems of production are complex and require of solutions that allow the maximum control in his development.

On 3Experience Forum, is an evento that already organised but that has changed of format. Of which way has renewed ? What contributes him to Dassault Systèmes this type of professional meetings?

Nicolas Loupy: Before we organised meetings to speak, for example, of Catia, to people interested in knowing our product. Now we centre us more in the experience with our marks and try to focus more the message not to speak so much of the product and more than the experience in industrial applications. It is an evento to European level where all the industries are represented.

Fulvia Vaccher: If before we taught the novelties of Catia, of Enobia, of all our products now centre us in the industrial state and are all the product in group to the customer so that it choose what needs.

Pierre Marchadier also has done reference to the importance of the partner for you. What ask to your partner for collaborates with Dassault Systèmes?

N.L.: Our partners are collaborators that represent our technology and therefore are very linked to us. We ask them basically a high technical knowledge of our products and of the sector where goes to develop his activity. We are demanding in the agreements and in the agreements regarding requirements, learning, commitment and to results.

And are looking for partners in Spain?

N.L.: The market is changing quickly. 5 years ago we looked for partners in the sector of the automotive sector. Now we are speaking of sectors like the one of the banking, the corredurías of insurance, the one of the products packed and his distribution or of the world of the fashion and are looking for partners that know these sectors —his challenges, his problems, his administrative details, his flows of work, etc.—, that for us is very important. We go little by little because we look for distributors with criteria very specific.

B.D.: Yes we are looking for partners, with the condition that work with our philosophy, with our way to work. That is the way. Partners That can contribute our solutions and our knowledge to the industries. That they work closely with the customer.

Mr. Loupy, you is from new July general director of Dassault Systèmes in Spain and Portugal. Inside Europe, which is the projection of Dassault inside the Iberian market?

N.L.: The situation is complicated in a lot of sectors. In the analysis that have done of the twelve sectors that touch, ones are little developed in Spain, others much more and others are growing although we are in time of crisis. Focalizamos Our resources in the industries with the category of ‘objective customers' suitable. Now we think that the sector of the construction in Spain is a complete disaster, but have to take into account that of the 25 greater constructors to world-wide level, 6 are Spanish because they are companies that invoice more than 90% out of Spain. And they go very well, with financial groups very powerful and involved in world-wide projects very important, as for example the BIRD in Saudi Arabia that goes of The Mecca to Medina with a lot of million euros of by half. Part of our work and corporate strategy is to analyse thoroughly the sectors and detect his potential in the Spanish reality.

And in which sectors remains more way for visiting?

N.L.: There are sectors where it is necessary to work more to give to know the mark. In Spain, Dassault Systèmes is not very known out of the sector of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, unlike France, where our products are very known in any industrial state. We want to give to know our mark in the world of the fashion, that will be an important task for us from now, as well as in sectors as for example the financial.

After his professional path in other technological companies of the sector, which points of differentiation sees in Dassault regarding his competitors?

N.L.: The vision and the strategy on a long-term basis. Our competitors are more cambiantes and cortoplacistas. In Dassault Systèmes there is deep analysis and strategies of future fruit of this reflection on a long-term basis. And also a communication in accordance with this.

Like his product is essentially technological and in constant innovation, the renewal of Dassault is fruit of this renewal that comports his

B.D.: It would add also ‘acquisition', because our company purchases constantly other companies because so that this platform was complete, and produce the ‘emotion' of which spoke have to add him constantly novelties.

F.V.: Besides, Dassault Systèmes is one of the technological companies that more percentage of his turnover invests in R&D (around 10% of his turnover in 2011).

B.D.: I wanted to add that this is the first step and that will follow evolving to give solutions to the needs of the customers. Sometimes it costs to explain all what can contribute so presentations like these, glimpsed or talks are very useful to give to know the 3DExperience.

Nicolas Loupy (izq.) And Bruno Delahaye in the Faculty of Communication of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, where celebrated the evento...
Nicolas Loupy (izq.) And Bruno Delahaye in the Faculty of Communication of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, where celebrated the evento.

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Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks