Murrelektronik Spain, S.L.U. - DC power supplies and systems

Murrelektronik Evolution

Sources of feeding: for tensions of exit of 22 to 28 Vcc

Picture of Sources of feeding

The sources of feeding Evolution of Murrelektronik are compact, of big fortress and power. Available for tensions of exit of 22 to 28 Vcc in variants of 5 to 40To, have a selected field of nominal tensions of entrance from 360 until 520 Vca, of course with the prescribed additional tolerances of the 10 percent. His field of temperature has of a mechanism without rozamientos of less than 25 degrees until more than 70 degrees. The extra function Boost allows, by a space of time of until four seconds, a 50 percent more than performance, by what can set up motors or big loads. Besides, when it produces the fall of a phase, the devices of network work also of permanent form with 2 phases.

The sources of feeding Evolution have of a constructive form very compact. The nerves of refrigeration, that constitute also the coverage, by means of an innovative design, serve for an optimum evacuation of the heat. By all this the devices Evolution are adapted for his setting in small boxes of electrical connections. By means of a plate indicadora integrated cheese cheese in the leading part of the device, east can be located easily and of fast form. The setting effects easily in a guide DIN and of the same form is easily removable of manual form from the top.

By means of the certificate cCs, the sources of feeding are allowed in the American and Canadian markets. Besides they fulfil the SEMI F47 standard. Of this way, in case of interruption of tension, also remains guaranteeed a tension of stable exit.