Murrelektronik Spain, S.L.U. - Transformers


Personalised transformers: indicated for ranges of power of until 50.000 GOES

Picture of Personalised transformers

The transformers of Murrelektronik are available for ranges of power until 50.000 GOES. It exists a lot of demand of transformers of hygiene and isolation that can work to powers of this intensity, especially in projects of the wind industry and of the packaging, as well as in many other industries. Murrelektronik Offers transformative monofásicos with a rank of work of until 22.000 GOES, and units trifásicas until 50.000 GOES.

Although it treats of units of dimensions and important weight, his installation is very simple. So much the transformers monofásicos, with a weight of until 100 kg as the trifásicos, that can arrive to weigh 225 kg, have supports of elevation.

The personalised transformers of Murrelektronik offer a wide range of possibilities:

- Transformative of isolation, of hygiene and autotransformadores.

- Power from 30 GOES until 50.000 GOES.

- Tensions until 600 V with homologation UL.

- Manufacture in Europe and Asia.