Murrelektronik Spain, S.L.U. - Electrical cables


Cables Ethernet: solution for all the areas of a company from the steering until the control, going through the field

Picture of Cables Ethernet
Murrelektronik Has a wide range of product and accessories of connection for all these areas. The connectors M12 and RJ45, with a big variety of models precableados, are the perfect solution for applications IP20. The mechanism of closing of 15º of the connectors M8 and M12 and the high quality of the Molding Pur, guarantees safe connections with protection IP65/68, even in the industrial environingingments more aggressive. Murrelektronik Offers him the suitable wire for each application: from covers PVC for installations of fixed wire until the extremely flexible cables Pur with a diameter of section of 0.34mm2 for tension and curvature for his use, for example, in chains portacables. All the models have an apantallado visual of more than 85%. The concept of apantallado of 360º for connectors of Murrelektronik achieves a big resistance to the external interferences, guaranteeing a transfer of free data of errors.

The connectors are available in straight version or acodado, with free extremes or like cables of connection, combined with M8, M12 or with connectors RJ45, adapted for connections of multiple and available ports in five angles of wire (straight, upper, inferior, left or right).

Murrelektronik Also offers industrial Ethernet like standard for protocols of specific use. All the connectors apantallados M8 are available for EtherCAT and Sercos III, a special wire of Cat.5and for chain portacable. Also it offers Interfaces like the connectors of brida with or without wire of bus, systems of entrance of wire and cables in coils from 100 to 500 m, all with certification UL. The range of product is adapted for transfers according to CAT5 Iso/Iec 11801 Class D or CAT6 ISO/IEC 11801 Class EA.