Murrelektronik Spain, S.L.U. - Communication modules and E/S programmable automation

Murrelektronik Cube67+

Cabeceras Of bus: for the system of installation decentralised IP67

Picture of Cabeceras Of bus

The system of bus of field Cube67+ stands out by his flexibility and modularidad. It treats of a modular concept based in the connection until 16 modules of expansion along a route of 10 m from the cabecera of the bus. This makes possible the installation of the modules I/Or directly where locate the sensors and the actuators. The modules connect between yes with an only apt hybrid wire for the communication of the bus and for the feeding of the signals of the sensors and actuators.

With more than 80 different modules I/Or, can choose the most adapted for each application. The big number of installations realizar in different industrial states like the maintenance, robotic, machine tool are a sample of the advantages and of the possibilities that Cube67 offers in different fields of application.

The advantages of Cube67 are obvious: the wiring of the connections of the sensors and actuators simplifies being of lengths very short and conectorizables to 100%. Thanks to the extensive range of modules I/Or, these adapt in physical size and of signals to the required in each zone. The costs of bus of field minimise because of the fact to reduce the number of nodes of bus of field.

Sectors and technologies: Industry of the logistics and the maintenance

In sectors like the logistics and the maintenance, the sensors and actuators are distributed along big distances. This requires that the modules I/Or install far of the cabeceras of bus. Also new technologies of installation like IO link are required by the customers because of the advantages comports.

For these cases, have created the cabeceras Cube67+. In an installation given, each one of these cabeceras increases the capacity to manage until 32 modules in some surroundings around each cabecera of until 60m. This makes possible the application to connect in a same cabecera signals by very remote that are situated.

Incidentally, the fact to use an only wire Cube67 facilitates the wiring between the modules by more move# away that they are. The hybrid wire of connection between modules is flexible and torsionable for application in chains portacable and in robots.

Diagnostics advanced: increase of the productivity

Exists a series of usual problems in the industrial installations that are in the majority of the cases the cause of the unemployments of the machines with the consequent economic losses in productivity. From the starts in Cube67, Murrelektronik has implemented a complete range of diagnostics devoted to inform of exact and traceable form where produce these failures, minimising the unemployments of production. We enumerate some of them, beginning by the break of cables. Even the cables of more quality finish breaking in chains portacables. If the problem is due to a deterioration of the wire that falsea sporadically the signals, the error in the installation hardly attributes to a defect in a wire, causing that the error perdure too time with consequences of unemployments inexplicables. This class of failures that causes big losses, has to be quickly detected, increasing the reliability of the installation.

Another of the situations to avoid has to to the use of cables of long distance. By the laws that know of the physics, to more distance, more loss of voltage that joined to a punctual demand of power can ocasionar a transitory loss of voltage. Like consequence can give unwanted situations when being underneath of the minimum voltage required by the different devices.

In the starts of the development of the product Cube67, devoted special attention to offer a complete solution in diagnostics. These are available no only to level of cabecera of bus, but each one of the 80 available modules diagnoses if it does not arrive them sufficient voltage. The failures indicate in the module with a LED in red and reports through the bus of field to the control. To level of the I/You, for each one of the connections monitors the cortocircuito, being desconectado exclusively the channel affected where connects the element. The rest of the channels is still in operation, making possible that the installation was still working not to lose productivity.

The cabecera of bus also detects cortocircuito and break of wire in the hybrid connections between modules, reporting the failure through the bus and visualmente by means of LEDs. This information is easily extracted so that technical of maintenance can have of her directly in the modules IOs or through interfaces HMI.

Control of overload in external connections

Cube67+ offers diagnostics that go a step further. It is able to diagnose if in the external connections of the modules to the sensors/actuators produces one overloads, thanks to the electronic MICO. If a connector M12 is subjected to one overloads, generates a preliminary alarm. In case that exceed the permissible limit, the channel desconectará. The failure will indicate by means of LED in the node and will transmit to the control. The rearm of the modules realizar from the control through the bus of field.

In the worst of the cases, the diagnostics will be simplified considerably with a guide of solutions of problems. The unemployments reduce and the availability increases.

Incidentally to these advances, new technologies appear in the market. A first example is IO-Link that allows the intelligent connection of sensors and actuators to the bus of field. Up to now sensors of recognition of colours or analog exits only could connect of correct form with cables apantallados. Now with the technology IO-Link is possible the connection of these elements with conventional wiring.

Modules Cube67+ IO-Link

Modules IO-Link of expansion already are available in Cube67+ to complete the range of product. The connection to the sensors IO-Link by means of connectors M12 standard allows in addition to activating/read the signal sinó also read/write parameters in the sensor. Like example of application, in sensors situated to big distances, is possible to transfer the level of shot without the need to displace. Also it makes possible the monitoring in case of failure and if necessary generate diagnostics. When the sensor changes, the parameters stored are recargados automatically in the new sensor, avoiding errors.

Sensors of colour or readers of codes of bar use in applications of maintenance and logistical to identify boxes of different colour or read and transfer codes of bar. In the field of the machine tool, presostatos are very usual. Like alternative to write the data in the sensor, the value can have in memory in the control and transfer it of automatic form to the presostatos. The installation and set up remains simplified winning in reliability.

The modules Cube67+ IO-Link of Murrelektronik have of 4 ports máster IO-Link for the connection of sensors. The same ports can use for the connection of sensors/standard actuators. Incidentally they have of 4 ports for digital connections configurables like entrances or exits.

Cube67 and Cube67+ offers more than 80 different modules of extension of big flexibility and technology contrasted, as with the multifuncionales I/You. The modules offer exhaustive diagnostics that reduce unemployments of production and increase the availability of the system. The modules are designed for an easy installation and ensures a class of high protection according to the requests of IP67.