Leuze Electronic, S.A.U. - Barcode readers

Leuze BCL 50xi

Bar code reader: it guarantees a high degree of legibilidad

Picture of Bar code reader

With the new family of readers of bar code BCL 50xi Leuze electronic has of a team that offers boundless possibilities for his applications. In this family exists a big variety of models that distinguish by the interfaces integrated cheese cheese (RS232, RS485, multiNet, PROFIBUS or Ethernet) and by the different versions so much in optics (optical N, optical M, optical F) as in the exit of the laser (laser monohaz, oscillating mirror or with mirror of deviation). The innovative system of reconstruction of codes (CRT) guarantees a high degree of legibilidad of the BCL 500i in fast processes Also allows the reading of bad codes positioned (angle) thanks to the reconstruction of individual fragments and his back reconstruction. The advantages are obvious when it works with codes positioned with a lot of angle, small codes or in processes of high speed. Damaged or dirty codes can be identified.

Dimensions (An x To the x Fo): 63x 123,5 x 106,5 mm models laser monohaz

84 x 173 x 147 mm models with oscillating mirror

or mirror of deviation

Speed of reading: 1000 scans/s (adjustable between 800 and 1200)

Rank of temperature: 0 °C until +40 °C

-35 °C until +40 °C (models with heating)

Field of reading: 200 mm until 1600 mm (depends of the model)


BCL 500i BCL 501i BCL 504i BCL 508i

RS232, RS485, multiNet , RS485, multiNet PROFIBUS ETHERNET

Typical applications:

or Identification and classification packaging

or Reading pallets

or Reading omnidireccional

or Identification of coils of paper etc.