
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Cosuame presenta un nuevo accesorio de CoExtrusión para embutidoras al vacío

Cosuame Presents a new accessory of CoExtrusión for embutidoras to the empty


3 May 2012

The new COEX of DJM Foodprocessing, that Cosuame presents in Bta (Pab.4, stand D135), is the ideal tool for the porcionado and manufacturing of ready fillings, an optimum ally to realise the innovative designs of products that sues the market. It treats to give spherical or cylindrical form to any mass and insert to his time a second product in his interior: meatballs and hamburgers fill up, sticks of mozarella, pastas fill up, balls of potato or croquettes with filling of cheese, vegetables or sauce, fish fingers, repostería, etc.

The machine joins up to any embutidora of empty and can arrive to make until 1.000 portions by minute of identical form and weight really exact. This achieves with the new system PDS that distributes of form homogénea the mass until a maximum of 12 exits. The system PDS no only provides an exact weight but also masses more spongy and pleasant in mouth to the not needing so much pressesure of work like other machines. This produces another effect remarcable from the economic point of view: fewer losses of water, that is to say, less mermas and more performance of the mass.

Another of the strong points of the machine is the injected upper of the filling and the perfect closing of the portion thanks to the diafragmas with movement servocontrolado. Of this way achieve portions with the filling exactly in the centre without danger of escapes during the cocción. The machine is easy to operate and configure by means of tactile screen with intuitive menus.

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Cosuame, S.L.

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