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Genebre Wins the Prize Ernst & Young to the Internationalisation


17 February 2012

The jury of the Prizes Ernst & Young 2011 proclaimed to Genebre winning of the Prize to the Internationalisation, whereas the Prize to the Emprendedor recayó in the Uneven company; the one of Business Path, in Group Azvi (Seville); the one of Emprendedor Emergent, in Softonic (Barcelona); the one of Innovation, in Gowex (Madrid), and the one of Emprendedor Social, in Group Amiab (Albacete).

The prestigious awards, that have the collaboration of the Iese and BNP Paribas, fulfil this year his sixteenth edition. The jury's decision, formed by stood out personalities of the business world, produced yesterday Thursday, 16 February, during the final ceremony of delivery of awards that celebrated in the Casino of Madrid.

In the present edition, the emprendedores finalists were: Benito Jiménez, founder and president of Frozen products of Navarra; Javier Ortiz of Zárate, commercial director of Preserves Ortiz; Thomas Meyer, founder and president of Uneven, and Manel Adell Sunday, adviser delegated of Uneven; Miquel París Terré, president and cofounder of Genebre Group; José Navarro Pomares, president and founder of Gioseppo; Jenaro García, adviser delegated and founder of Gowex; Manuel Contreras Bouquets, president of Group Azvi; José Fabián Square, founder and adviser celegado of InfoGlobal; Henrik Stamm Kristensen, president of Premium Ingredients; Jaime Bauzá Andreu, president and founder of Protur Hotels; Tomás Diago Esteva, president and founder of Softonic; Fernando Trail, only administrator of Trucco; Miguel Bordoy Borrás, president and founder of Trablisa; Miguel Cadarso and María Luisa Sotés, general director and creative director of Tuc Tuc; María of Pino Velázquez, founder and president of Unísono.

From 1996, Ernst & Young has under way the Prize Emprendedor of the Year to recognise the work of the best employers and the business practices more successful. The requirements to opt to the same are to be employer, shareholder and main impulsor of the successes of the company that directs. In the last edition, Carmen and Luis Rui, advisers delegated of Riu Hotels, heaved with the Prize Emprendedor of the Year 2010.

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Genebre, S.A.
Genebre, S.A.

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