
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Denios recuerda las nuevas directrices para el almacenamiento de residuos peligrosos

Denios Remembers the new guidelines for the storage of dangerous waste


1 September 2011

Company specialized in storage of dangerous chemical substances and/or pollutants Denios recalls in a statement the considerations contained in article 2 of the new law on soils Contaminados (entered into force on July 30) on the storage of waste and waste. The requirements governing the storage of hazardous waste from now are contained in title III ('production, possession and waste management') of Chapter 2. Article 18 deals with 'Obligations of the producer or other holder initial storage, mixing, packaging and labelling of waste'.

Denios shown by these pictures should be designing specific warehouses for hazardous waste
Denios shown by these pictures should be designing specific warehouses for hazardous waste.

Article 18. Obligations of the producer or other holder initial storage, mixing, packaging and labelling of waste

With regard to storage, the mixture and the labelling of waste at the place of production, the producer or another initial holder of waste is obliged to:

1. To maintain waste stored in proper conditions of hygiene and safety while they are in his possession.

The duration of the storage of non-hazardous waste at the place of production shall be less than two years when allocated to recovery and a year when intended for elimination. In the case of hazardous waste, in both cases, the maximum duration is six months; in exceptional cases, the competent body of the autonomous communities where he carried out the storage, for duly justified reasons and provided to ensure the protection of human health and the environment, may modify this term.

The above-mentioned deadlines will begin to compute since the start of the deposit of waste at the place of storage.

2. Do not mix or dilute hazardous waste with other categories of hazardous waste or other waste, substances or materials.

Waste oils of different characteristics when it is technically feasible and economically viable, not are mixed among them or with other waste or substances, if such mixing impedes their treatment.

3 Store, package and label hazardous waste at the place of production prior to its collection and transport in accordance with the applicable rules.

The sanctions for breach of this law are specified in chapter II of title VII ('responsibility, monitoring, inspection, control and sanctioning regime').

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