
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Genebre amplía su catálogo de instrumentación industrial
New devices and equipment for measurement, control, supervision and regulation of industrial processes

Genebre expands its portfolio of industrial Instrumentation

Drafting Interempresas15/05/2010

May 15, 2010

Genebre has just presented its new catalogue of industrial instrumentation which summarizes the different types of products that make up this Division. The objective of the new Division of instrumentation is the supply of machinery and equipment for measurement, control, supervision and regulation of industrial processes since the primary element, sensor, up to the final element of control, the valve.

Control instruments that make up the new catalogue are sensors and transmitters of temperature, humidity, pressure, level, position and force to send the signal to the regulation and control equipment such as indicators, controllers, recorders and converters, or PLC, industrial PC and monitors; and these, in turn, referred her to the instrument end to close the loop of control and lead to good finish its task.

Genebre created the 'instrumentation Division' in January 2009 as a strategy of diversification of the business that would get new markets, new customers and new opportunities for business and, at the same time, complete range which currently markets, i.e., add value to your current catalog.

New catalogue of industrial instrumentation of Genebre
New catalogue of industrial instrumentation of Genebre.

Schema database products

As a commodity, Genebre includes in its new catalogue: manometers (ventómetros and vacuómetros), thermometers, converters, indicators, regulators, solid state relays, video recorder, portable, probes (termorresistencias and thermocouples), pressure, pressure transmitters for plastic industry (Melt) transmitters, transmitters of humidity / temperature (- 50 to + 200 ° C), detection of gases (fixed and portable), calibrations and proportional control valves (electric and pneumatic).

Genebre created the 'instrumentation Division' in January 2009, as a strategy of diversification of the business that would get new markets

Genebre, through the launch of the new catalogue or the new industrial division, aims to act in the following sectors: industry food; container and packaging; renewable energy sources; pharmaceutical industry; metallurgy; environment; drying; plastic; and role.

Group Genebre, proven experience

Group Genebre is a Catalan company founded 29 years ago by the Paris brothers. It has a team of more than 140 people, with offices on three continents since where sold in 80 countries. Genebre is present in all the processes of creating value for its activity, including the design, production and marketing. With regard to the markets, it directs to the sector of construction (water and heating installations), the industrial and the consumer. Manufactures hundreds of products grouped into various families, such as brass valves, valves, water, industrial valves with actuator pneumatic and electric meters, fitting domestic or industrial fitting among others.

Geographically it is focused on three major markets: Spain, Europe and America. In 2008, and for the first time in its history, exports represented more than 50% of the income of the group.

Genebre aims to become the world reference in the sector, developing a technological activity (control of fluid) which has a direct impact on the management of the water, a key challenge for the future of the planet.

Related Companies or Entities

Genebre, S.A.

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