
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Genebre presenta su nuevo catálogo Cocina & Baño 2014-2015

Genebre Presents his new catalogue Cooks & Bathroom 2014-2015


3 June 2014

Genebre present his new payment of grifería, a research of new concepts and tendencies that merges the elegance, the technology and the more standard heights of quality.

Lines minimalistas, robust and of big beauty that harmonise with the versatility and the responsible use of the water. Infinity of models, finishings and systems that, in addition to creating “exquisite” environingingments in bathrooms and kitchens, increase the welfare and help to take care the environingingment.

The result: a so adaptable payment like the water, in which each design is special and only.

Cover of the new catalogue
Cover of the new catalogue.
The new catalogue of Genebre gathers a big diversity of series, that in his big majority come from of the previous catalogue, but that all they incorporate improvements, so much to technical level, as in the design.

The company has done a big effort in the rationalisation of the series, to be able to offer to the customers all the variety of tastes that sues at present.

Designs always current of straight lines or curves that offer a design sugerente that integrates with the tendencies of decoration of the kitchens and bathrooms more modern.

Ones improve his robustness, others improve the concept of ‘Saves water, saves power' with the innovation, technology and environingingmental responsibility that merge in the most ecological series: the series Kelogic. His innovative opening system in cold that helps to save water and power does it totally sustainable.

Inspired by the new tendencies, the new series Kode leaves to glimpse a robust and dynamic style of maneta prominent with forms rounded that the matizan. A glorious design of high range created for the bathrooms of last generation.

A stylized line of forms debugged and straight angles is the base of the series Oslo. A new payment, with different heights of pipes, that projects elegance and esbeltez and an advanced design vanguardista where each detail is thought for embellecer the bathroom.

Genebre Has designed besides three series of grifería bimando that combine of perfect and harmonious form the different pipes and steering wheels: Kalo, Kross and Ixo. A very versatile proposal of simple and elegant forms that allows multiple combinations, only and personal.

Related Companies or Entities

Genebre, S.A.
Genebre, S.A.

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