
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Genwec Washroom, la nueva empresa de Genebre Group

Genwec Washroom, the new company of Genebre Group


31 January 2014

Genebre, specialist in the design, production and commercialisation of valves and accessories for the control of fluids and grifería, so much in the sector of the construction (installations of water and heating) as in the industrial state, has more than 32 years of experience in the market and with a wide commercial network that covers all the national territory, in addition to Europe and America. At present it sells his products in more than 110 countries all over the world (export 68%).

Following the line of the group, Genwec is cream with the intention to be leader and referent in the sector of equipments of bathroom for collectivities, contributing integral solutions from products of innovative design and high provision.

With this project Genebre Group complements the portafolio of products, that allows to consolidate a new road of commercialisation through the Channel Contract. (Genebre + Hobby Flower + Genwec).

Is by these criteria that Genwec designs, develops and commercialises a wide range of products in stainless steel and other materials, combining quality/durability with the most current tendencies that sues the market and of this form, contribute integral solutions for the hygiene and the comfort of the users, fulfilling rigorously the criteria of homologation and control that marks the ISO 9001:2000.

This range is conformed by products eat: dryers of hands, dryers of peel, Dispensers of paper, Dispensers of soap, Accessories of bathroom, Papeleras, Cambiapañales, Sanitary ware of stainless steel, Pieces of furniture compactox inox, Sources of water, technical Helps to the mobility, Lavaojos and showers of emergency, Griferia temporizada and Exterminadores of insects.

The chapter of dryers of hands is fruit of the agreement signed with World Dryer, American multinational, and Genwec the past month of August, in virtue of the cual Genwec turns into distributor in scoop of his products for Europe and Russia.

The rest of products are of own production, taking advantage of the productive experience of the group of the last 20 years.

Page of the catalogue of Genwec Washroom
Page of the catalogue of Genwec Washroom.

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Genebre, S.A.
Genebre, S.A.

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