
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Genebre Group se afianza en México con financiación de Cofides

Genebre Group Strengthens in Mexico with financials of Cofides


6 November 2013

The Spanish Company of Financials of the Development, Cofides, will fund to Genebre Group, for the constitution of a commercial subsidiary in Mexico.

The financials of the project will realizar with charge to own resources of Cofides by amount of one million euros. Together with the contribution that realizar the promoter, the total investment rises to 1.738.000 euros.

Genebre Group Already is present in the Mexican market with satisfactory experience. With the opening of this new subsidiary, the company will centre his commercial activity in the development of market of two lines of business of the company, the valves hidrosanitarias and the grifería domestic and for collectivities.

The president of Cofides, Salvador Marín, has signalled after the signature of the agreement that “Genebre is one of the customers of longer tradition of Cofides and wide exporting experience. It has developed five operations with our Company along these last years in four different countries, Argentina, China, Brazil and Mexico. In this case it is necessary to stand out the innovation that Cofides has realizar in his support, from 2012, to the commercial implantations, and that is showing to be an useful financial product for the international activity of our companies”.

The president of Genebre, Miquel Paris, has affirmed that "at present the potential of development and investment in the area centre and sudamericana is very active, existing glorious opportunities of investment for the companies of our country in this continent".


Genebre Has of a wide range of industrial valves
Genebre Has of a wide range of industrial valves.

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