
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Levantina reafirma su apuesta medioambiental con la instalación de sistemas Denios
Storage of waste in Novelda (Alicante) with the most modern technology

Levantina Reaffirms his environingingmental bet with the installation of systems Denios

Editorial Interempresas18/04/2013
Levantina, company of reference in the sector of the natural stone, of the hand of the experts of Denios, has incorporated a practical and safe storage of waste, contributing of this way to the maximum protection of the environingingment and of the workers.

Levantina Has 9 centres of production and international presence in more than 110 countries. The capacity of movilizar big resources guaranteeing the maximum quality of the product and his position of leadership, have allowed to Levantina llevar big architectural projects like the hotels Conrad Algarve, Sofitel Malabo Sipopo Him Golf, or the residential of luxury The Lancasters Hyde Park in London.


In his commitment with the environingingment and like company totally involved in the labour hygiene of his workers, Levantina has developed recently a project to improve the integral storage of his waste, led by the Department of Quality and Environingingment.

The project has taken into account the different properties of the same, opting by the standard maxima of quality and hygiene that offers the market, even above the exigencias normative.

To ensure these very high levels of protection of the surroundings and of the workers, Levantina has decided to trust the quality consultancy and the products that manufactures the multinational Denios, experts in storage and handling of dangerous substances and with experience of more than 25 years in 15 countries of Europe and EE UU.

The challenge

Levantina Posed the need to design and purchase warehouses for his location to the intemperie with the purpose to save, of safe and classified form, the different waste generated in the daily production.

To guarantee the effectiveness of the solution, and following his politics of environingingmental sustainability and labour hygiene, Levantina required that the solution to contribute by part of Denios:

• Followed strict measures for a safe storage of the waste, being versatile regarding capacity and functionality.

• Had to respect the normative requirements more demanding, even above the required by the legislation of application.

The solution

From Denios posed a solution based in his warehouses of own manufacture, designed to measure for each one of the waste generated in the productive processes. The warehouses supply with cubetos of retention integrated and the quality of these cubetos remains certified by means of essays of estanqueidad according to rules JOINS, and the idoneidad of the warehouses by means of the corresponding General Homologation of Construction by the German Institute of Constructive Technicians (DIBt, Berlin).


The containers and pallets place on rejillas extraíbles of big capacity of load, optimised for the load and download with bull/carretilla and with reinforcements of hygiene in the rear wall to avoid possible accidents.

The warehouses designed with rejillas for natural ventilation following the most rigorous specifications of the Regulation of Storage of Chemical Products (much more demanding that the legislation of Waste), in addition to projecting the distances of hygiene required by said Regulation.

The sliding doors with lock avoid the unauthorised accesses, protecting like this to the labour personnel of possible accidents. The warehouses instrument likewise with the etiquetación of corresponding danger, takings of earth and all type of measures of protection of the workers.

The solution contributed explained, of course, with the applause of the competent authorities, because of the very high levels of hygiene reflected.

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