Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L.
Fructuós Gelabert, 2-4, 8º 4ª Edificio Conata
08970 Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona) Spain

Cómo llegar

☎:  +34‑934773846  
🖷:  +34‑931815121
Filters of pulverización and filters autolimpiantes.

NOTA: Aunque hemos hecho esfuerzos razonables para comprobar la corrección de la ubicación de la empresa/entidad, no podemos garantizarla al 100%

Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L.

Euspray Commercialised by Eurospray, S.L. It is the solution “of Good Quality to Low Cost”, that offers high results of quality for all the customers of filters, accessories, static filters and filters autollimpiantes.

Been cream in 2008, the aim is to promote the sale and distribution of the products manufactured in Italy, the filters of pulverización, the filters and the accessories of pulverización all over the world, with the ambitious aim to arrive to customers from everywhere.

In particular the partner, the company that produces, with headquarters of logistics for all the world, is actively present in the market from 1972 and, to continuation, during more than 30 years designing and manufacturing the filters, accessories and, in accordance with the requirements of the market and collaborating with companies with which has worked in the last years, has developed a range of car cleaning of systems of leak that use in the majority of the processes of production.

Thirty-five years of experience and an efficient and simple structure characterise the Organisation. The current structure, with the commercial headquarters partly in Barcelona (Spain), and together with the partners and better skilled collaborators in the production of filters of aspersión and of systems of leak with headquarters in Treviglio (Italy), are in conditions to offer him the best service and the best products to a just price.

The company is in phase of big expansion thanks to the quality of the proposals and to the rich and miscellaneous range of products offered to customers, in conditions to satisfy the most diverse needs with solutions of measure for each application.

This is a competitive advantage very appreciated by all the sectors, that can have the experience of the technicians to have a faster and optimum answer.

In the current market and of agreement to the experience that have gathered in the past with the partners and collaborators, and to keep agility and rapidity in the answer to the customers, have organised the company in different divisions:

• Filters of pulverización

• Filters of line and autolimpiantes

• Tubes atomisers

If it contacts with the service to the customer, him pondran in contact directly with the “Customer Service” in conditions to satisfy his needs of agreement to his expectations