Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Load skates and rollers

You skate of load deslizantes: tanquetas With rollers of high resistance and big softness

Picture of You skate of load deslizantes
You skate them of load, offered by Disset Odiseo, have rollers of high resistance and big softness. The design is simple but very robust, able to bear loads until 80 t. The maximum capacities of load are based in the use of the patín of load on metallic surfaces that they are those that bear the pressesure of the rollers of steel. The use of these skate on surfaces of cement or tarmac is restricted. In his defect can use a plate of steel of 10 mm of thickness like minimum to be able to use skate them in floors of cement. The speed of advance of the load does not have to surpass the 5m/min.