Kränzle Espańa, S.A. - Water washers

Kränzle Línea Quadro

Water washers Of cold water: with drum of hose incorporated

Picture of Water washers Of cold water
Kränzle Spain, S.A. manufactures the series Quadro, that includes several models of water washers of cold water with drum of hose incorporated, disconnection retardada of the engine (except in the equipment Quadro small).

A connection and frequent disconnection of the engine, conditioned by the work, ocasiona in the Quadro average and big important loads of the network and elevate the wear of the elements of conmutación internal. Thus, the engine of the new equipment Kränzle only desconecta some 30 seconds after closing the gun, and activates again by an opening of the same.

The Quadro average and big incorporate also disconnection of hygiene. When no desconectan after his use or the gun has not worked in a lapse of 20 minutes, the team happens of automatic form to separation of the network (state of hygiene). The team goes back to activate accionando again the main switch.

These devices include also a container of big water, that serves like tank of water and like tampon between the network of supply and the bomb, and feeding of cleaner of the side of aspiración.

For the transport, the asidero can withdraw of easy form together with the drum of hose. Besides with some operations the container of water can soltar of the team for, for example, realise works of maintenance. The Quadro incorporate a brake of parking fixes the team of reliable form to the place, and a valve of float that regulates the feeding of water.