Kränzle Espańa, S.A. - Water washers

Kränzle Línea Grupo Doble

Water washers Of cold water: of double unitary power

Picture of Water washers Of cold water
The line Double Group of Kränzle Spain, S.A. includes several models of water washers of cold water of double unitary power that incorporate device of traslación integrated cheese cheese, wire of connection 7,5 m, arrollador for wire, hose of high pressesure with armour of steel of 20 m, drum of hose and gun of disconnection of hygiene. Besides, they have container of water, device of Total stop-Stop with connection/

disconnection retardada of the engine, start retardado of the second group, disconnection of hygiene, launches of pulverización with nozzle of fine steel, cabezal of bomb of brass, hygiene against course in dry, émbolos diver with coating of ceramics and carcajes for gun of disconnection and launches.