Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Raised floors

Technical wooden floors: apt for external and inner use

Picture of Technical wooden floors
Technical wooden floor manufactured in compound WPC. This material is a mix of copolimeros 100% recycled (polietileno of high density) and wooden fibres recovered. They achieve the aesthetic advantages and calidez of the natural wood but improving his properties when incorporating the advantages of the copolymers. The result is a high durability and an invalid maintenance. It provides some excellent properties that lengthen the life of the floor. The technical wooden floor means an important technological advance, turning into an indispensable material to avoid the maintenance that require the conventional wood. It saves in time and in economic resources.

Resistant to the ultraviolet rays, does not age over time. His nature does it raincoat to the water, the technical wood prevents the growth of funguses and bacteria, does not rot with the humidity and is immune to insects and parasites. It does not need of any task of maintenance. Can clean simply with water to pressesure. Easy, fast and effective. I am used to of big resistance to hits and scratches and with a very pleasant appearance and friendly, achieving modern environingingments and vanguardistas. The losetas wooden technician can install in all type of zones and enclosures: zones of leisure, terraces, flat roofs, gardens, swimming pools, hotels, parks, etc.

The upper face is available in three different versions: polishing, grooved or knot wood. As they are the needs, lick them of each loseta can configure with different colours and distinct compositions. The products are manufactured with machines of extrusion to high pressesure and temperature, so that each piece is controlled during the process in appearance, colour and dimensions. The profiles present the same aesthetic appearance, smell and calidez, working of the same form, that the natural wood, can cut , saw, atornillar, nail but with the advantage of the durability of the copolymer, without any type of additional maintenance.


Durable upper

Quality and resistant

does not rot with the humidity


does not propagate the Waterproof

flame to the water and to the Resistant

humidity to the intemperie

Immune to microorganisms, rodents and insects

does not require oils, paintings or glaze

Antideslizante and sure

does not crack , shapeless, neither produces astillas

Easy installation and cleaning



Flat roofs



Swimming pools







Zone chill-out

maritime Walks


Zones of leisure
