Orpi, S.L. - Coordinate tables

430 X, XY, XG, XYG

Tables of coordinates: of 1 or 2 movements and giratorias

Picture of Tables of coordinates
Saim Metal commercialises the tables of coordinates model 430, so much of a movement 430 X, of two, 430 And, giratoria of a movement, 430 XG or giratoria of two movements, 430 XYG. These tables have of python of sensitivity, steering wheel with nut of hygiene, box of drain, lubricación of guides, protection of shavings of PVC and protection of guides and husillo. All the models have a surface of 430 x 240 mm and a longitudinal career X=280 mm. The models with transversal career (XY, XYG), And=180 mm.