Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Metal pallets

Palet Metallic with 3 skate: for 1.500 and 2.000 kg

Picture of Palet Metallic with 3 skate
The palé metallic facts of sheet of steel of high resistance, offered by Disset Odiseo, are a valid alternative to the classical palé wooden, but have of a lot of more capacity of load and are much more resistant to hits and brusque impacts.

Said palés have two skate for his best storage in shelves and of a third patín that provides him a capacity of upper load to the palé of two skate (1.500 and 2.000 kg). The base of steel ondulado provides robustness and stability, and to his time avoids that determinate loads glide on of the surface of the palé.

The palés are available in five colours and steel galvanised.