Maconse - Other lifting and moving equipment

Lung lines, transport and lifts: continuous production without stoppages in machines

Picture of Lung lines, transport and lifts
Its operation is at the entrance of containers by means of a conveyor which deposited them in the lung or table, with the aim of achieving a continuous production although there are stops in the later machines, not affecting these stoppages to final production.nseguir continuous production although there are stops in the later machines, not affecting these stoppages to final production. Also the machine shall be equipped with photocells, which in the case of accumulations, will detect them and send information to the rest of the machines, with the aim of absorbing accumulations without stops on the line.

Machine parts: conveyor of input/output.

Automaton for the accumulation of the system.

Accumulation control sensors.

March and variable frequency drive inverter motor group.

Electrical panel.

Transport: Transport is an essential component in the automated factories or production lines, its function is the machines communicate between if, with the aim of achieving a continuous manufacturing process. A transport operation is based on the drag of a string using a geared motor.

Elevators: Machine designed to transport, bringing the product to another machine, or to save the slopes in a linea.nado of photocells and variable frequency drives that determine the speed of transport in order to give a suitable feed containers to the machine to which work.

Elevators: Machine designed to transport, bringing the product to another machine, or to save a line existing imbalances. They can be incorporated a raft at the bottom, which are depository bulk product, so the band of the elevator driven by a gear motor located at the top of the lift, transport the product up. The band can be of plastic resin, stainless steel, etc., and a few buckets will be installed to transport the product more effectively.