Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Industrial and safety mats

Disset Satex

I am used to to modulate antifatiga: apt for extreme temperatures

Picture of I am used to to modulate antifatiga
The floors antifatiga are thought so that the body swing of natural and imperceptible form, achieving like this a slight movement of the muscles of the legs. Of this way improves the blood flow and avoids that the worked seats more tired. The design of the floor with a matrix of perforaciones contribute him a capacity of optimum drainage to be used in humid environingingments or in which it fits the possibility of spill. It achieves like this have the dry and free surface of dirt. To his time is extremely antideslizante. They manufacture in natural rubber. It provides an excellent resistance to oils and fats. His behaviour is excellent to extreme temperatures that go from the -30 °C until the 70 °C. Thanks to his modular design can cover a big extension of floor. The different losetas join by means of some connectors that inmovilizan the losetas between them, achieving a firm floor. His high resistance do it optimum for an industrial use with heavy loads, so much in dry zones like humid. His big thickness of 22 mm do it of particular use for zones with an intensive use of work and trasiego. The in colour red model is especially manufactured to resist all type of fats and oils, by what do it an ideal element for the alimentary industry. The dirt can delete easily since the loseta can roll up and the floor remains free to facilitate the cleaning.

It is available in several colours: red knit and black.

Surface extremely antideslizante, resistant to rays UV, resistant to oil and fats. Apt for extreme temperatures. Big capacity of drainage. Industrial use. Installation without tools. Applicable in humid and dry zones , put of work, machines tool, welding and tracks of ski.