Celulosas Vascas, S.L. - Gloves


Gloves of vinyl: with or without dust

Picture of Gloves of vinyl
The mark Aachen, distributed by Basque Celluloses, offers to his customers gloves of examination no barren, with or without dust manufactured in policloruro of vinyl (PVC) of natural colour exento of látex resistant to the break by estiramiento. They offer good resistance to the dissolvent.

Have a preferential use in hospitals and centres of health for the examination and explorations of patients, in extraction equipment equipments of biological and analytical samples, in the cleaning and manipulations of instrumental contaminated and no contaminated.

It recommends his utilisation, likewise, in laboratories, chemical industries, etc.

In the case of the glove of vinyl empolvado, treats of fécula of corn, absorbible and according to the norm USP that allows to enter the hand of form more comfortable.

They can be in contact with foods.