Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Noozles and atomizers
Filter of pulverización: for the autolavado of trucks
The filter of pulverización is a small component that is very important also in the process of wash of trucks, since if it uses a mistaken filter, can obtain a wash of bad quality and, therefore, the loss of customers.
The installations of wash of trucks are mainly of two types: the tunnel of wash that does with the tow of the car through some roads and the wash of car-service.
In the beginning of the tunnel is used to to be present the filters of flat exit, as for example our models C1 or MC3And, and of high discharge: these are usually fixed in arches of abrazaderas that are used to wet the body of the vehicle before enjabonar and of the wash of high pressesure. Generally, the angles are used to to be big, between 40 ° and 65 °.
From now on of the tunnel, there is big brushes and brush of roller that go through the body of the vehicle. During this phase, the soapy water powders through filters of flat exit, like the models C1 or MC3And, with an angle of 65 °. Here also there are filters with abrazaderas. But in this case it requires a lower discharge. The water has a pressesure of 5-6 bar.
Of the contrary can have an adjustable arm with an alone filter with a higher pressesure (20 or 30 bar.). In this case, our HP-HHP (high pressesure) can be used, directly fixed in the arm, with the aim to clean the body and, at the same time, delete the dirt of the brushes. The type HP-HHP of filters uses for the cleaning of under the vehicle, in the places where is present.
For the lateral wash use usually the filters of full cone (generally with connection of 1/4 "). The full cone allows a uniform and effective form of wash.
To wash the leading part of the vehicle to which can remain hit diverse insects, have entered in the most sophisticated systems of the injectors of high pressesure HP or HHP with the rectilinear orifice or was in 0° or with the exit with angle very narrow mounted in mobile bars. This structure of pulverización ensures an effective elimination of the very resistant dirt to the traditional filters and when seeming only partially effective.
At the end of the distinct phases in function of the length of the tunnel, the vehicle is bathed by a rain with filters of aspersión, generally chorro flat, because the vehicle is in movement. The filters that use are like our models MC3And and C1.
In the debuggers of the wash, can find with tubes shorter with bridas of plastic joined to them, and are used to to be instrumented with filters of chorro flat, of low Discharge (C1, MC3And, etc.) for rociar the detergent, to a pressesure of 2-4 bar. These terminal with filters alternate with filters of aspersión to high pressesure (30-40 bar.) For the wash / enjuague (our models HP-HHP). These filters of high pressesure atornillan directly to the tube.
The service of car-cleaning composes of a series of parallel tunnels manufactured with one or two pulverizadores of high pressesure. They use to wet first the car, and afterwards for the enjuague. Here it is necessary to mount a filter of pulverización in each launch, with a narrow angle (15 ° or 25 °) to obtain a greater impact.
The vehicles do not dry with filters but it does through big bocanadas of air compressesed to the exit of the tunnel.
In both plants the wash realises with water desmineralizada or softened (by means of a physical process-chemical), by what avoid signal limestones in the vehicle after the dried.