Maconse - Climate control heat exchangers

Exchangers of heat of plates and do tubular: to heat, cool, refrigerate, pastaurise, etc

Picture of Exchangers of heat of plates and do tubular
In the majority of the industrial processes use several solutions of transfer of heat. The exchangers of heat transmit cold or heat of a fluid to another and are of vital importance for all the process of manufacture.

Maconse Manufactures a wide range of exchangers of heat and aerotermos of steam for applications that cover from simple tasks to low pressesures and temperatures, until operations with fluids that work to pressesures and high temperatures and variables.

Under the general denomination of exchangers of heat engloba to all those devices used to transfer power of a half to another, for this transmission does circulate to the two fluids by a separate circuit by a solid surface.

In the actuality offer solutions that provide a big saving of space and power in processes like heating, cool, refrigeration, pastaurised, etc.