Iberclean, S.A. - Extraction and downdraft tables

Serie LAS

Equipment of aspiración and filtered: for smokes of machines laser

Picture of Equipment of aspiración and filtered
Products contaminantes and dangerous in shape of dust, fine volatile particles, gases and smokes are unavoidable in a lot of industrial processes. In accordance with the valid rule, these owe to eradicate of the labour environingingment. The equipment of aspiración of the series are THEM especially developed to this end, and to protect to the workers, products and machinery of his exhibition.

The recirculation of the air filtered (that it is given back clean to the zone of work) help in the reduction of energetic costs. From the lower equipment for individual applications until the greater of the range base in “a dilated experience and in crowd of cases and applications studied”.

These equipment offer a low audible level, a compact design, turbines of high provision of low consumption, filters of high capacity and simplicity of use and maintenance.

The equipment of aspiración and filtered of this series can apply in labeling, cutting, sinterizado, erosion and cleaning. Besides, they can instrument of optional way with fan for explosive environingingments; different tension feeding / frequency; solutions to measure of the needs of the customer; constructions in special steels; interface for operative with external control, and options of connection (machines of cutting and welding, cabins and mouths of aspiración, and arms articulated).